GoLand 2017.3 Help

Navigating to type, file, or symbol

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Navigate commands enable you to quickly jump to the desired types, files, or symbols specified by names. GoLand suggests a look-up list of matching names, from which you can select the desired one, and open it in the editor. This navigation honors CamelCase and snake_case capitalization.

Navigating by name

To navigate to a type, file, or symbol by its name:

  1. On the main menu, point to Navigate, and then choose Class, File, or Symbol respectively, or use the following shortcuts:
    • Type: Ctrl+N
    • File (directory): Ctrl+Shift+N
    • Symbol: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N
  2. In the pop-up window, start typing the desired name.

    So doing, you can enter characters located anywhere inside the desired name. As you type, the suggestion list shrinks, displaying the matching names only.

    • Type:
      go goto type
    • File:
      go goto file
    • Directory: use the same Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut as for file navigation, and type the name of the directory you are looking for, the pattern name ending with / or \:
      go goto directory
    • Symbol:
      go goto symbol
  3. Click the desired entry in the suggestion list, or select it using the arrow keys, and press Enter.
Last modified: 14 February 2018

See Also

