GoLand 2018.2 Help


Start a debugging session

  1. Configure the Run/Debug Configurations profile (Run | Edit Configurations).

  2. Create a breakpoint. To create a breakpoint, select the code line that you want to examine and click an area in the gutter near the line number.

  3. Click the Debug icon (icons actions startDebugger dark svg).


Customize breakpoint settings

To customize breakpoint settings, press Ctrl+Shift+F8. To see all breakpoints in the project (with additional settings), click More or press the same shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F8 again.

go breakpointProperties

Do not suspend code execution

Use action breakpoints to evaluate a variable at a particular line of code without suspending code execution. To create an action breakpoint, click the gutter while pressing Shift.

Create a temporary breakpoint

To create a breakpoint that stops only once, click the left gutter while holding Shift+Alt. For more information, refer to the section Breakpoint types.

Disable breakpoints

To disable a breakpoint, click the breakpoint while pressing Alt.

Debugger session

Run to cursor

To stop code execution at the cursor position without adding another breakpoint, click the Run to cursor icon(icons actions runToCursor svg) or press Alt+F9.

Evaluate expression

While in debug mode, you can evaluate any expression by pressing Alt+F8.

This tool provides code completion just as in the editor so it’s very easy to enter any expression:

If you have any instances marked with labels, code completion will offer you its names so you can evaluate them:


Configuring debugger settings

To change debugger settings, click File | Settings. In the Settings menu, click Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger.

debugger settings

Useful debugger shortcuts



Toggle breakpointCtrl+F8
Resume programF9
Step overF8
Step intoF7


View breakpoint details/all breakpointsCtrl+Shift+F8

Debug code at caret

Shift+F9 (within the main method), or Shift+Alt+F9

Last modified: 12 October 2018