GoLand 2019.2 Help

Creating test configurations

Test configuration for a directory

  1. Navigate to Run | Edit Configurations.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, click Add New Configuration Alt+Insert and select Go Test.

  3. In the Directory field, specify a path to a directory that includes an application file and a test file (for example, applicationFolder/main.go and applicationFolder/main_test.go).

    (Optional) Also, you can specify the following settings:

    • Pattern: arguments that you define for running subtests and sub-benchmarks. For more information about subtests and sub-benchmarks, see Subtests and Sub-benchmarks at golang.org. Consider the following test function:

      func MyTestFunc(t *testing.T) { ... t.Run("ID=1", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) t.Run("ID=2", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) t.Run("UID=1", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) ... }

      For the MyTestFunc function, you can use the following go test arguments:



      go test -run

      Run all tests.

      go test -run Test

      Run tests that match the Test pattern (for example, MyTestFunc).

      go test -run MyTestFunc/ID=

      Run subtests that belong to the top-level MyTestFunc function and match the ID= pattern.

      go test -run /UID=1

      Run subtests matching UID=1 from all top-level test functions.

      For the Pattern field, you list only arguments (for example, Test, MyTestFunc/ID=, /UID=1).

    • Working directory: directory that is used for the built application. If you have any code that creates relative files or directories, they will be relative to this directory.

    • Environment: environment variables that you need to run the test.

    • Go tool arguments: arguments for the go tool (for example, -tags).

    • Use all custom build tags: all tags that are applied during the build. Tags are listed in settings Ctrl+Alt+S under Go | Build Tags & Vendoring.

    • Program arguments: arguments for the built application.

    • Run with sudo: grant sudo privileges for the application.

    • Before launch: Activate tool window: add tasks that you want to launch before the launch of your application. To add a task click the Add button Alt+Insert and select the tool that you want to add.

  4. Click Apply.

Test configuration for a directory

Test configuration for a package

If you want to create a run/debug configuration for a package, enusre that an application file and a test file are in a package or in a collection of related Go packages (a module). Packages must be in the go/src directory (for example, go/src/myPackage). Modules are go.mod files that list all the related Go packages and requirements.

  1. Navigate to Run | Edit Configurations.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, click Add New Configuration Alt+Insert and select Go Test.

  3. From the Test kind list, select Package.

  4. In the Files field, type a name of a testing file (for example, main_test.go). You can use Smart Completion Ctrl+Shift+Space in this field.

    (Optional) Also, you can specify the following settings:

    • Pattern: arguments that you define for running subtests and sub-benchmarks. For more information about subtests and sub-benchmarks, see Subtests and Sub-benchmarks at golang.org. Consider the following test function:

      func MyTestFunc(t *testing.T) { ... t.Run("ID=1", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) t.Run("ID=2", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) t.Run("UID=1", func(t *testing.T) { ... }) ... }

      For the MyTestFunc function, you can use the following go test arguments:



      go test -run ''

      Run all tests.

      go test -run Test

      Run tests that match the Test pattern (for example, MyTestFunc).

      go test -run MyTestFunc/ID=

      Run subtests that belong to the top-level MyTestFunc function and match the ID= pattern.

      go test -run /UID=1

      Run subtests matching UID=1 from all top-level test functions.

      For the Pattern field, you list only arguments (for example, Test, MyTestFunc/ID=, /UID=1).

    • Output directory: directory that stores your test results if any.

    • Working directory: directory that is used for the built application. If you have any code that creates relative files or directories, they will be relative to this directory.

    • Environment: environment variables that you need to run the test.

    • Go tool arguments: arguments for the go tool (for example, -tags).

    • Use all custom build tags: all tags that are applied during the build. Tags are listed in settings Ctrl+Alt+S under Go | Build Tags & Vendoring.

    • Program arguments: arguments for the built application.

    • Run with sudo: grant sudo privileges for the application.

    • Before launch: Activate tool window: add tasks that you want to launch before the launch of your application. To add a task, click the Add button Alt+Insert and select the tool that you want to add.

  5. Click Apply.

Test configuration for a package

Test configuration for a file

Application code and test functions are in the same *_test.go file.

  1. Navigate to Run | Edit Configurations.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, click Add New Configuration Alt+Insert and select Go Test.

  3. From the Test kind list, select File.

  4. In the Files field, type a name of a testing file (for example, main_test.go).

    (Optional) Also, you can specify the following settings:

    • Output directory: directory that stores your test results if any.

    • Working directory: directory that is used for the built application. If you have any code that creates relative files or directories, they will be relative to this directory.

    • Environment: environment variables that you need to run the test.

    • Go tool arguments: arguments for the go tool (for example, -tags).

    • Use all custom build tags: all tags that are applied during the build. Tags are listed in settings Ctrl+Alt+S under Go | Build Tags & Vendoring.

    • Program arguments: arguments for the built application.

    • Run with sudo: grant sudo privileges for the application.

    • Before launch: Activate tool window: add tasks that you want to launch before the launch of your application. To add a task, click the Add button Alt+Insert and select the tool that you want to add.

  5. Click Apply.

Test configuration for a file
Last modified: 29 October 2019