GoLand 2019.2 Help

Getting started with GoLand

GoLand is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for Go developers. GoLand includes such features as context-dependent code completion and refactoring, debugging, profiling, type and declaration navigation, and error analysis. In addition to tools for core Go development, supports JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, SQL, Databases, Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform. You can always extend current functionality by installing additional plugins from the plugin repository.

To get a quick tour of basic GoLand features, see the following introduction video.

First steps with GoLand

Install and run Quick start guide Use keyboard shortcuts

Learn how to install GoLand, run GoLand for the first time, and get a quick UI reference.

A quick overview of basic GoLand features: from creating a project to running an application.

Speed up your performance in GoLand with keyboard shortcuts.

Improve your skills

Configuring GoLand Source code navigation Working with a source code

Configure the look and feel of the IDE to match your needs.

Navigate to newly-created or already-existed objects in your code.

Generate and complete your code, quickly find usages, analyze received results.

Debugging code Profiling Getting help from JetBrains

Use the debugging mode to determine the cause of the error.

Use information about CPU, memory, and call duration to optimize your program performance.

Did not find the answer? Still feeling puzzled? Let us know and we will help.

Boost your IDE experience

GoLand plugins Tutorials Fresh news about GoLand

Add additional VCS, integrate with different tools and frameworks, add Vim emulation, and much more.

Learn how to use search, export data, or connect to Microsoft SQL Server. Step-by-step instructions cover beginner basics and advanced techniques.

Learn the latest news, master the latest features, and always stay tuned to GoLand development.

Last modified: 29 October 2019