GoLand 2020.2 Help

Go configuration

In GoLand, you can configure settings for rename operations, suggestions in the code completion list, quick documentation, and so on. To set these options, open settings by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S and navigate to Go .

General settings for go
Suggest parameters name in completion

Generates variable names for parameters. For example, if you select the error interface from the code completion list, GoLand will generate the err variable name. For interfaces from the context package, GoLand generates the ctx name.

Suggest parameters name in completion
Suggest variants which require additional imports as you type

Adds variants of code constructs, which require you to import packages, to the code completion list.

Suggest variants which require additional imports on
Suggest variants which require additional imports off
Indent on enter in raw strings

Keeps an indent for raw string literals when you press Enter. Raw string literals are character sequences between grave accent marks ( for example, `if a == 3{}`).

Indent on enter in raw strings is enabled
Indent on enter in raw strings is disabled
Show documentation in parameter info

Displays documentation about a function.

Indent on enter in raw strings is enabled
Indent on enter in raw strings is disabled
Detect go packages from clipboard

Displays a dialog with a suggestion to add a package to GOPATH. The dialog appears when you copy a link to the package that is not in your GOPATH yet (for example, github.com/go-git/go-git).

Detect go packages from clipboard
Enable generics (experimental support for type parameters)Enables the experimental support for type parameters that were introduced by the following draft to support the generic programming. For more information about the support, see How to use type parameters for generic programming.
When directory is renamedPerforms the selected action when you rename a directory in a project.
When package is renamedPerforms the selected action when you rename a package in a project.
When file is renamedPerforms the selected action when you rename a file in a project.
Last modified: 28 July 2020