GoLand 2020.3 Help

Release notes for GoLand 2020.1

Code completion: suggestions of a pointer to a struct initializer

When you press Ctrl+Shift+Space to invoke the SmartType completion, GoLand suggests you a pointer to struct initializer in auto-completion.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: a pointer to struct initializer is suggested in the SmartType completion

Code completion: suggestions of compatible types in assertions and type switch cases

When you invoke the SmartType completion by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space, you see compatible types in assertions and type switch cases at the beginning of the suggestion list.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: compatible types in assertions and type switch cases in the SmartType completion

Code completion: templates to generate interface and struct constructions

When you type the type keyword, GoLand suggests you to auto-complete with type, type ... interface, type ... struct.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: for interfaces and structs

Code completion: templates for handling errors

When you type if inside a function, you can choose if err != nil { ... } to automatically complete your code.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: handling errors with 'if err != nil { ... }

Code completion: improved behavior of the Fill Fields action

The Fill Fields action now adds spaces after colons when formatting rules require it. Also, the comma is added at the end of the statement in composite literals.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: improved behavior of the Fill Fields action

Code completion: suggestions for possible pointers

You can invoke SmartType by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space to see a list of suggestions for possible pointers.

Show names for the current package declarations in comments

Code completion: suggestions of local variables and zero values in return statements inside functions

If the caret stays after the return keyword inside a function, code completion suggests local variables and zero values even if they result in an error.

Local variables and zero values in suggestions for the return statement inside a function

Code completion: suggestions of names for the current package declarations in comments

You can invoke code completion by pressing Ctrl+Space to see names for the current package declarations. Also, code completion includes parameter names for functions and methods.

Show names for the current package declarations in comments

Code completion: improved behavior of a cursor when defining maps

When you define a map, code completion places the cursor after the closing bracket after you complete a key type.

Read more about code completion in Code completion.

Code completion: place cursor after the closing bracket in maps

Code completion: suggestions of the assigned variable type in type assertions

The SmartType action (Ctrl+Shift+Space) in type assertions suggests the type of the assigned variable.

A suggestion of the assigned variable type

Code editing: improved usability in multi-value return types in a signature

GoLand adds parentheses around multiple return types automatically. Parentheses are added automatically. GoLand adds parentheses as you enumerate return values in a function signature.

Code editing: add parentheses around return types after the comma in a multi-value return

Code inspections: a warning about incorrect uses of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer

The code inspection Invalid conversions of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer warns you about incorrect uses of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer to convert integers to pointers.

A warning about incorrect uses of uintptr to unsafe.Pointer

Code inspections: a warning that the argument, which is passed to store the result, is not a pointer or an interface

The code inspection Unmarshal is called with incorrect argument analyzes calls to json.Unmarshal and similar functions of encoding/json, encoding/xml and encoding/gob packages.

It reports a problem if the argument that is passed to store the result is not a pointer or an interface. Such calls are guaranteed to fail and return an error.

A warning that the argument, which is passed to store the result, is not a pointer or an interface

Code inspections: a warning about locks that are erroneously passed by value

The Checks for locks erroneously passed by value inspection detects situations when you copy a value that contains a lock. It might be a type that implements sync.Locker like sync.Mutex or sync.WaitGroup.

Locks erroneously passed by value

Code inspections: a warning that pointer method cannot be called

In Go, you can call methods with a pointer receiver even on expressions with a non-pointer type. The Go compiler will implicitly take the address of the expression to make the call valid, if possible. Otherwise, you will get a compilation error.

GoLand detects these cases and suggests a quick-fix (Alt+Enter ).

A warning that pointer method cannot be called

Color themes: the Default color scheme

You can use the Default color scheme again.

To customize color schemes, see Customize a color scheme.

Editor: the LightEdit Mode

With the new LightEdit mode, you can open a file in the text editor window without creating or loading a project.

If GoLand is launched, the file is opened in it. If GoLand is not running, the file is opened in the LightEdit mode.

Animation of the LightEdit Mode
  • Command-line interface: see for more instructions on how to open a file, compare or merge files, and run code inspections.

External Documentation: a source of documentation is changed

The External Documentation action (Shift+F1) navigates you to https://pkg.go.dev instead of https://godoc.org.

Find usages: search for usages of interface methods is performed by default

The Find Usages (Alt+F7) action looks for usages of interface methods by default. To find usages of the current method, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F7.

Fonts: the JetBrains Mono font

The default font for GoLand is JetBrains Mono.

To configure colors and fonts, see Configuring colors and fonts.

Go Debugger: support of profiler labels

Since Go 1.9, you can record additional information to provide more context about the execution path. You can record any set of labels as a part of the profiling data and use these labels later to examine the profiler output.

For example, you have a queue handler that processes events created somewhere. The handler can set labels to identify where these events were created.

During debugging and core dump analysis, the context information might be helpful. For example, you can use this information to find a particular goroutine more easily.

Go Debugger: profiler labels are supported

Go Modules: new actions to fetch missed dependencies and remove unused dependencies

You can fetch missed dependencies and remove unused dependencies in the go.mod file.

For more details, see Fetch dependencies.


Without leaving GoLand, you can set the following environment variables: GOPROXY, GOPRIVATE, GOSUMDB, GONOPROXY, and GONOSUMDB.

Set environment variables from GoLand settings

Go Modules: notifications about replacements of local paths in the go.mod file

GoLand displays a notification before you commit your changes if you replaced local paths in the go.mod file. This might help you to avoid situations when these replacements are committed by mistake.

To enable the feature, you must select the Perform code analysis checkbox in the Commit dialog settings.

Notifications about replacements of local paths in the go.mod file

Go Modules: code completion in go.mod files

GoLand 2020.1 supports code completion in go.mod files for:

  • go, module, require, replace, and exclude keywords

  • names of dependencies

  • replacements with local paths, with the ability to rename them.

Go Modules: an automatic change of paths in go.mod files

When you move directories in the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project ), GoLand changes the path in go.mod file accordingly.

Go Modules: the Find Usages action is available in the context menu in the Project tool window

In the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project ), right-click a directory to explore where this directory is used.

the Find Usages action is available in the context menu in the Project tool window

Go support: automatic vendoring mode

In Go 1.14 RC, vendoring mode is enabled automatically if the module root contains the vendor directory. Now automatic vendoring mode is a built-in Go feature. Starting from Go 1.14 RC, GoLand also enables automatic vendoring mode by default. You cannot change this setting.

Automatic vendoring mode in Go 1.14

For earlier Go versions, GoLand still has the Enable vendoring support automatically checkbox. If you add the vendor directory to the module, the IDE uses it. If you remove it, GoLand uses the global Go Modules cache.

Automatic vendoring mode in Go 1.13 and earlier versions
  • Go modules: see how to create a project with Go modules integration.

  • Vendoring: learn more about vendoring mode.

Go support: support of embedding overlapping interfaces in Go 1.14

When you describe different aspects of a type using overlapping interfaces, GoLand does not report duplicated methods as errors.

Go 1.14rc supports embedding overlapping interfaces

Before Go 1.14, you could not add the String() method to the Employee interface because the String() method is already defined in the Person interface. In the following example, you can see how Go 1.13.4 treats overlapping interfaces.

Go 1.13.4 does not support embedding overlapping interfaces

JetBrains Runtime: end of JBR8 support

GoLand uses JetBrains Runtime 11 (JBR11), and no longer distributes builds with JetBrains Runtime 8 (JBR8).

Live Templates: new templates to add groups of constants, variables, types, and imports

New live templates are added: consts, vars, types, and imports. For these templates, GoLand adds braces around the expression by default.

Read more about live templates in Live templates.

Live Templates: added consts, vars, types, and imports templates

Live Templates: the fori template for 'for' loops

The fori template expands to for i := 0; i < ...; i++ { ... }.

Read more about live templates in Live templates.

Live Templates: added the fori template for 'for' loops

Performance: improved performance for Navigate to implementations and Navigate to Declaration or Usages

Navigate to implementations Ctrl+Alt+B and Navigate to Declaration or Usages Ctrl+B actions now work faster since they look for implementations in the project scope first. Search results display project elements before non-project elements instead of sorting them all alphabetically.

Refactorings: Implement Methods allows you to specify parameters omitted in the interface definition

Postfix completion: the .else template to check if the expression is false

The .else postfix template adds the if statement that checks if the expression is false.

Read more about postfix completion in Postfix code completion.

Code editing: add parentheses around return types after the comma in a multi-value return

Quick-fixes: updates for the Create variable quick-fix

The Create variable quick-fix shows a hint with the expected type. Also, the quick-fix automatically provides the Initialize with zero value action. This action creates a full variable declaration with the expected type, instead of a short declaration.

Updates for the Create variable quick-fix

Quick-fixes: change Println to Printf

To change a non-formatting call to a formatting call, press Alt+Enter and select Change 'fmt.Println' to formatting function.

Change Println to Printf

Refactorings: improved behavior of the Extract Method refactoring

Now when you extract a method or a function using the Extract Method refactoring (Ctrl+Alt+M ), it keeps the original order of the parent function or method parameters.

Improved behavior of the Extract Method refactoring

Refactorings: the Implement Methods action allows you to specify parameters omitted in the interface definition

With the Implement Methods action, you can specify parameter names even if they are omitted in the interface definition.

For more information about the Missing Methods action, see Implement missing methods.

Refactorings: Implement Methods allows you to specify parameters omitted in the interface definition

Refactorings: the in-place rename action

Prior to GoLand 2020.1, to rename an element, you invoke the Rename refactoring by pressing Shift+F6, type a new name for the element and apply it through code.

Starting from GoLand 2020.1, you can change the element name, invoke intention actions by pressing Alt+Enter and apply your change through code.

The in-place rename action

Run/Debug Configurations: macros as parameters

You can use macros as parameters in Go tool arguments and Program arguments fields of the run/debug configuration dialog.

In the Macros dialog, you can choose macros such as:

  • $GOROOT$: to retrieve the path to the project SDK.

  • $GOPATH$: to retrieve the Go executable path.

  • $ClipboardContent$: to get the content of the clipboard.

  • $Prompt$: for a string input to be used as parameters in your configuration.

Also, now you can store the configuration file in the project. Select the Store as project file option at the top of the run/debug configurations dialog. In previous versions, it was possible to share this file in the .idea folder to share it through VCS with other team members.

This is the content from the clipboard
Use macros as parameters

Spell checker: the Grazie plugin is bundled

Grazie provides spelling and grammar checks for texts that you write in the IDE. It supports English, German, Russian, Chinese, and other languages. In GoLand, Grazie is bundled.

You can manage all installed plugins in your IDE. For more information about plugin management, see Plugins.

User interface: a new Commit tool window

The new commit tool window now incorporates the Local Changes and Shelf tabs. This tool window covers all commit-related tasks, like checking diffs, selecting files and chunks to commit, and entering a commit message. Commit is a vertical tool window located on the left, which leaves room for the entire editor to show the diff.

A new Commit tool window

User interface: introduction of Zen Mode

Zen Mode combines the Distraction Free Mode and the Full Screen Mode. To enable Zen mode, navigate to View | Appearance | Enter Zen Mode.

Last modified: 08 March 2021