Hub 2017.1 Help

Search Query Reference

This page provides a list of attributes and keywords that are used in Hub query language.

For information about Hub search syntax, see Search Query Grammar.


Use the following operators to create logical combinations of attributes in a search query.

notExclude a subset from a set of search query results.To find users that do not have a Google login associated with their account and have any role granted directly to their account, enter:
not authModule: Google and has: ownRole
andCombine multiple search attributes to expand the search request.
The AND-expression is always processed as group and has a higher priority than OR-expressions in the query.
To find , enter:

orCombine multiple search attribute subsets to restrict the search request. To find , enter:
( )Combine various search attributes to change the order in which attributes and operators are processed. The part of a search query inside the parentheses has priority and is always processed as a single unit.

A parentheses-expression can be used only as argument for OR- or AND-expressions. For example, the search query in:A #Critical (in:B and for:me) cannot be processed.

To find all issues that are assigned to the current user and are either 'Critical' in project 'A' or 'Major' in project 'B', enter:
(in: A #Critical or in: B #Major) and for: me


The following symbols can be used to extend or refine a search query.

,List multiple values for a single attribute. Can be used in combination with a range.To find all issues assigned to, reported or commented by the current user, which were created today or yesterday, enter:
#my created: Today, Yesterday
{ }Encloses attribute values that contain spaces.To find , enter:

Search for User Accounts

The following table lists search attributes supported for user search:

Attribute Value Description
googleIDvalue All users with the given openID identifier
authNameuserGoogleName All users with the given full name
idvalue A user with the given id
nameuserName A user with the given visible name
loginuserLogin A user with the given login
afterinstant Users created after specified date
beforeinstant Users created before specified date
vcsUserNamevcsUserName Users with the given VCS user name
ownRolerole Users who owns the given role in some project
hasownRole Users with own roles
ingroup Users that are in the given group or any of its subgroup
groupgroup Users that are in the given group
hasgroup Users that are added to some group explicitly
isguest The guest user
isbanned Banned users
authMethodauthModule Users with user details associated with the given auth provider
authModuleauthModule Users with user details associated with the given auth provider
hasauthMethod Users with some user details
emailemail Users with the given email
hasemail Users with defined email
jabberjabber Users with the given jabber
hasjabber Users with defined jabber
originServiceservice Users with user details that were imported from the given service
hasoriginService Users with user details that were imported from some service
authLoginuserCoreLogin Users with the given login
haslogin Users that have login
sshPublicKeyvalue User that has SSH public key with the given fingerprint
hassshPublicKey Users that have SSH public key
nameStartsWithvalue Users whose name start with the given prefix
loginStartsWithvalue Users whose login start with the given prefix
haslicense Users who have any license
hasLicenseservice Users who are licensed to use the given license
hasLicensevalue Users who has the given license
authLoginuserJiraLogin All users with the given login
authNameuserJiraName All users with the given full name
authLoginuserGithubLogin All users with the given login
authNamevalue All users with the given login
hasrefresh token User who has emitted refresh tokens
hasapproved resource Users with approved resources
openIDvalue All users with the given openID identifier
authNameuserOpenIDName All users with the given full name
authLoginuserLdapLogin All users with the given login
authNamevalue All users with the given login
authLoginuserJBALogin All users with the given login

Subqueries supported for users

access(project: project, with: role) Users who have the given role in the given project
access(project: project, with: permission) Users who have the given permission in the given project
access(project: project) Users who have the any role in the given project
access(with: role) Users who have the given role in some project
access(with: permission) Users who have the given permission in some project
lastAccess(after: instant) Users with ranged last access
lastAccess(before: instant) Users with ranged last access
lastAccess(after: instant, before: instant) Users with ranged last access

Search for Groups

idvalue A group with the given id
namegroupName A group with the given name
ownRolerole Groups that have the given role as an own role
hasownRole Groups with own roles
useruser Groups that immediately contain the given user
hasuser Groups with users
parentgroup Subgroups of the given group
subgroupgroup A group that contains given group as subgroup
hassubgroup Groups with subgroups
isallUsers All user group
isautoJoin All groups with enabled auto join
hasicon All groups with an icon
projectproject All groups from the given project

Subqueries supported for Groups

access(project: project, with: role)Has the given role in the given project
access(project: project, with: permission)Has the given permission in the given project
access(project: project)Has any permission in the given project
access(with: role)Has the given role in some project
access(with: permission)Has the given permission in some project

Search for Auth Modules

The following parameters are supported for auth modules:

Parameter Value Description
serverUrl: authModuleServerUrl Auth Modules that have given serverUrl
id: value Auth provider with the given id
name: authModuleName Auth provider with the given name
is: disabledAll disabled auth providers
user: userAll auth modules that provide user details for the specific user
has: user Auth providers that have associated users
type: authModuleTypeAuth providers of the given type

Search for SSL Key Stores and Certificates

The following search attributes are supported for the SSL Key Stores and Certificates:

Parameter Value Description
id: value Finds a certificate or a key store with the specified ID.
name: certificateName Settings by provided name

Search for Events

The following search attributes are supported for the events in Hub:

author: userEvents triggered by the user, group or service
author: groupEvents triggered by the user, group or service
author: serviceEvents triggered by the user, group or service
event: auditEventTypeEvents of the given type created, updated or deleted
entityType: entityTypeEvents with the entities of the given type
target: valueEvents with the given event target
target: authModuleEvents with the given event target
target: roleEvents with the given event target
target: serviceEvents with the given event target
target: userEvents with the given event target
target: groupEvents with the given event target
before: instantEvents before the given moment
beforeId: numberEvents before the given id (including)
after: instantEvents after the given moment
afterId: numberEvents after the given id excluding

Search for Project Roles

The following search attributes are supported for project roles in Hub:

id: value
A project role with the given id
project: project Project roles granted for the given project
role: role Project roles granted with the given role
user: user Project roles owned by the given user
group: group Project roles owned by the given group
service: service Project roles owned by the given service

Search for Projects

The following search attributes are supported for projects in Hub:

id: value A project with the given id
key: projectKey A project with the given key
name: projectName A project with the given name
resource: resource Projects with the given resource
resource(key: resourceKey, service: service) Projects with the given resource of service
resource(service: service) Projects with resources of the service
has: resource Projects with resources
is: global Global project
is: archived Archived project
accessible(for: user, with: role) Projects where the given user has the given role
accessible(for: group, with: role) Projects where the given group has the given role
accessible(for: service, with: role) Projects where the given service has the given role
accessible(for: user, with: permission) Projects where the given user has the given permission
accessible(for: group, with: permission) Projects where the given group has the given permission
accessible(for: service, with: permission) Projects where the given service has the given permission
accessible(for: user) Projects where the given user has any permission
accessible(for: group) Projects where the given group has any permission
accessible(for: service) Projects where the given service has any permission
accessible(with: role) Projects where somebody has the given role
accessible(with: permission) Projects where somebody has the given permission

Search for Roles

The following search attributes are supported for roles in Hub:

id: value A role with the given id
key: roleKey A role with the given key
name: roleName A role with the given name
permission: permission Roles that includes the given permission
permission(key: permissionKey, service: service) Roles that includes the given permission
permission(service: service) Roles that have at least one permission from service
is: team Roles that are team
has: permission Roles with some permissions

Search for Services

The following search attributes are supported for services in Hub:

id: value A service with the given id
key: value A service with the given key
name: serviceName A service with the given name
applicationName: serviceApplicationName Services with the given application name
has: applicationName Services with defined applicationName
vendor: serviceVendor Services from the given vendor
has: vendor Services with defined vendor
version: serviceVersion Services of the given version
has: version Services with defined version
homeUrl: value Services with the given homeURL
has: homeUrl Services with defined homeUrl
userUriPattern: value Services with the given user uri
has: userUriPattern Services with defined user uri
groupUriPattern: value Services with the given group uri
has: groupUriPattern Services with defined group uri
redirectUri: value Services with the given redirectUri
has: redirectUri Services with defined homeUrl
permission: permission A service that provide the given permission
has: permission Services that provide some permissions
defaultRole: roleName A service that provide the given default role
has: defaultRole Services that provide some permissions
resource: resource A service that holds the given resource
has: resource Services that provide some resources
is: trusted All trusted services
has: license Services with licenses
access(project: project, with: role) Has the given role in the given project
access(project: project, with: permission) Has the given permission in the given project
access(project: project) Has any permission in the given project
access(with: role) Has the given role in some project
access(with: permission) Has the given permission in some project
Last modified: 6 April 2017