Hub 2017.2 Help

What's New

Monitor the changes in Hub from version to version:

What's New in Version 2017.2.5178

New Features

  • OpenID Connect

    In Hub 2017.2, we supported OpenID Connect protocol. You can now use your Hub service as the OpenID Provider for your web-applications.


  • License Management

    In Hub 2017.2 admins can grant or revoke licenses right on the user’s profile page. Invite a new user or create a new account and grant the required licenses immediately, right on the profile page.

What's New in Version 2017.1.4807


  • Dashboard Widget Improvements

    Users can customize the text that is shown as the title for any widget. This enhancement helps users assign meaningful titles and better distinguish between widgets that use similar queries.

What's New in Version 2017.1.4711


  • Dashboard Management Improvements

    Recent updates to the dashboard let you enjoy the following features:

    • Users with access to a shared dashboard can view the name of the dashboard owner directly in the dashboard header.
    • Administrators can customize the name of the default dashboard for guest users.

What's New in Version 2017.1.4205

New Features

  • Credentials management

    Now you can add any set of credentials to a user profile as a Hub login. If a user has deleted or disabled an existing login, you can provide the user with a new set of credentials and add them manually to the user profile.

  • LDAP bind to a fixed account

    Hub 2017.1 lets you send LDAP bind requests to a fixed user account. In this case, the module uses a fixed account to bind to the LDAP service and searches for the user you want to authenticate on behalf of the bind user. With this option, you can set up an LDAP authentication module and still use logins that are not part of the Distinguished Name (DN), like an email address or token. This method is also commonly called search + bind or two-step authentication.

  • Permanent Tokens

    Permanent tokens enable token-based authorization in the REST API calls to services that are registered in Hub. Simply create a new token with a specific access scope, and use it for authentication from wherever you want.


  • Description for baning a user

    Now, when you ban a user in Hub, you can enter a reason for the action. The description is added next to the user name and is visible to other users who have required access permissions.

  • Enhanced Auth Modules

    This release brings a custom OAuth 2.0 module, improved interface for new modules, and a number of pre-sets for various services to simplify the configuration of the authentication modules.

  • Scheduled backups

    In Hub 2017.1, you can schedule automatic backups. Select a pre-configured interval or use a Cron expression to set a custom interval to back up the database.

  • Open service URL

    This small improvement saves you from copy-pasting links when you work with services in Hub. If you want to open the home URL of a service, simply click the Open URL button.

Last modified: 19 July 2017