Hub 2017.4 Help

Get All User Details of a User


GET <REST API URL>/users/{user id}/userdetails?fields=string&$skip=int&$top=int&query=string
Parameter Description
fields Optional query parameter. Specifies a subset of the fields to be returned. Use Fields Syntax to define subset.
$skip Optional query parameter. Number of roles to skip before returning first entry of the page.
$top Optional query parameter. Max number of roles to return in the page.

Filter query. See Query Syntax for the definition of supported logical operations syntax. Following fields and tuples are supported for UserDetails:

authLogin: value — User details with given JetBrains Account login

authLogin: userGithubLogin — User details with given GitHub login

fullName: value — User details with given name in GitHub

authLogin: userJiraLogin — User details with given login in Jira

authName: userJiraName — User details with given name in Jira

authLogin: userLdapLogin — User details with given LDAP user ID

authName: value — User details with given name in LDAP

authName: userOpenIDName — User details with given name in OpenID

has: avatar — Has avatar

openID: value — User details with given OpenID identifier

authLogin: value — User details with given Hub login

authMethod: authModule — User details associated with the given auth module

email: email — User details with the given email

has: email — User details with email

has: jabber — User details with jabber

has: originService — User details that were imported from some service

has: authLogin — Details with login

id: value — User detail with the given ID

jabber: jabber — User details with the given jabber address

originService: service — User details that were imported from the given service

type: authModuleType — User details of auth modules of the given type

user: user — User details of the given user


Response Code Meaning
200 OK Successful request.
400 Bad Request Some of the parameters of the request are invalid (for example, required fields in the passed JSON object are missing). The response contains message describing the error.
403 Forbidden Requester has no access to the request.
404 Not Found Requested resource wasn't found.
500 Internal Server Error Failed to process request because of the server error. The response contains message describing the error.

Response body


{ "skip": int, "top": int, "total": int, "userdetails": [details, ...] }
Last modified: 21 February 2018