Hub 2017.4 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to Hub on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in Hub 2017.4.

New Features

Japanese LocalizationHub now supports Japanese as a default system language. Organizations that use Japanese as their lingua franca can now work with Hub in their preferred locale.2017.4
New Projects PageWe’ve fully redesigned the Projects page to give you a more convenient way to view the projects that you’re interested in. Mark projects as favorites and jump straight to pages and actions that are supported by connected services. If you’re using JetBrains Toolbox and the project is connected to a VCS, you can copy the VCS link or open the project in IntelliJ IDEA. 2017.4
Enhanced User TooltipsTooltips for user links and avatars now display user profile cards. A profile card shows the user’s name, login, and email address. These cards are available anywhere you find users in Hub — for project teams, group members, licenses, and even audit events. 2017.4
Redefined Project TeamsHub 2017.4 brings you fully redesigned project teams and the ability to manage members of a project team directly. The project team was redefined to include users and groups who are assigned to the project. You can grant roles to every member of the project team with just a few clicks. This update gives you a whole new experience and makes the process for managing team members smooth and clear.

We’ve also added a setting that lets you manage the owner of the project.


Updates and Enhancements

Access Management RedesignWe’ve improved the visual representation for access management interfaces.
  • For users and groups, the Roles tab gives you an overview of each role assignment and the permissions that are available to the user or group in each project.
  • For projects, the Access tab shows you how each user and group is granted a role in the project and the corresponding set of permissions that are assigned to each role.
License Management RedesignThe updated user interface for user license management gives you greater control over the users and group members who are granted a license in a connected service. In addition, you now have the option to remove a license from a group without revoking the license from its members.2017.4
Last modified: 21 February 2018