Hub 2020.1 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to Hub on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in this version.

New Features




Add an additional layer of structure to your project management efforts by grouping related projects under an umbrella organization.

LDAP Synchronization

A new option for authentication modules that connect to an external directory service lets you synchronize group memberships and profile data on a set schedule. This option is supported for LDAP, Open LDAP, and Active Directory.

This feature is available in Hub versions 2020.1.12371 and later.

LDAP Account Status Forwarding

This option lets you forward the account status from an external directory service when a user attempts to use these credentials to log in to an application through Hub. If the account is locked, disabled, or has expired, access to the application is denied. The corresponding Hub account is also banned automatically.

This feature is available in Hub versions 2020.1.12628 and later.

Updates and Enhancements



Status options for banned accounts

You can now choose to display one of several account status options when you ban a user account. This information provides additional context for users who are not allowed to access your Hub installation for whatever reason.

This feature is available in Hub versions 2020.1.12628 and later.

OpenAPI Specification (OAS)

We now generate and publish an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) contract for the Hub REST API. When you load this artifact into the Swagger UI or SwaggerHub, you can view and test every resource before using it in your application.

Permanent Token Generation for Other Users

Users who have sufficient permissions can now generate permanent tokens on behalf of users who have lower levels of permission in Hub. This lets users who support third-party integrations authenticate accounts that run automated tasks without having to set up 2FA, when required.

Experimental Features



In-context Localization

Lets you suggest translations for text elements directly in the application interface. This feature is only available for languages that are supported by the Hub user community.

Last modified: 20 October 2020