IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 Help

Add / Edit Relationship

From the Import Database Schema dialog: /help/img/idea/2017.1/new.png or /help/img/idea/2017.1/edit1.png in the Database Schema Mapping section.

Use this dialog to specify the settings for a relationship.

Source / Target Within the relationship, one of the entities (the left-hand one) is referred to as a source and the other one as a target.
Table The corresponding database table.
Attribute nameThe name of the field to be added to the corresponding entity and also the name of the relationship.
TypeThe Java type for the corresponding field.
Map Key ColumnSelect the desired column name from the drop-down list.
Join TableThe join table if used.
Join Columns Joined table columns for the relationship.

Use /help/img/idea/2017.1/new.png and /help/img/idea/2017.1/delete.png to manage the list.

See Also

Last modified: 18 July 2017