IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 Help

Creating GWT UiRenderer and ui.xml file

This feature is supported in the Ultimate edition only.

IntelliJ IDEA can generate a GWT UiRenderer and a ui.xml file for you. While defining the declarative layout in the ui.xml, various types of coding assistance, such as code completion and generation of import statements, are at your disposal.

IntelliJ IDEA supports integration between the declarative layout in the ui.xml and the corresponding Java class, including Finding usages.

If you are using the ClientBundle interface, IntelliJ IDEA marks its methods with the icon gwtNavigationIcon.png in the left gutter area. Click this icon to navigate to the corresponding resource.

Generating GWT UiRenderer

  1. In the Project view, right-click the client package.
  2. From the context menu, select New | Google Web Toolkit | GWT Renderer and ui.xml file.
  3. In the Create New GWT Renderer and ui.xml file dialog box that opens, specify the name of the UiRenderer and the ui.xml file.
    Click OK.

See Also

Last modified: 18 July 2017