IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 Help

Libraries and Global Libraries

File | Project Structure | Libraries or Global Libraries
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S | Libraries or Global Libraries
projectStructure | Libraries or Global Libraries

When you select the Libraries or the Global Libraries category in the Project Structure dialog, a list of existing project or global libraries is shown in the element selector pane.

project structure libraries

Use the toolbar icons, context menu commands or keyboard shortcuts to manage the libraries (see below).

To view or edit the name and contents of a library, select the library of interest, and use the page to the right of the selector pane.

Toolbar icons, context menu commands and shortcuts

new New Project Library or New Global Library Alt+Insert Create a new project or global library. See Creating a library.
delete Delete Delete Delete the selected library.
copy CopyCreate a copy of the selected library.
Move to Global Libraries For a project library: move the selected project library to the global (IDE) level. See Moving a library onto a higher level.
Copy to Project LibrariesFor a global library: create a copy of the selected global library at the project level. See Creating a copy of a library at a lower level.
Add to ModulesAdd the selected project or global library to dependencies of one or more of your modules. In the dialog that opens, select the corresponding modules.
Find Usages Alt+F7 Find usages of the selected library in the project.
Last modified: 29 November 2017

See Also