IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 Help

Configuring IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK

To be able to develop plugins for IntelliJ IDEA, you have to configure an IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK. You can do that separately - as described on this page, or when creating a project.

To configure the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK

Now, the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK is in the list of available SDKs, so in the future, when necessary, you will be able to simply select it from the corresponding lists.

  1. Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S).
  2. Under Platform Settings, select SDKs and then click new to define a new SDK.
  3. Select IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK from the Add New SDK list.
  4. If you haven't defined a JDK in IntelliJ IDEA yet, a dialog is shown suggesting that you do that now. Click OK in that dialog, and then select the installation folder of the desired JDK in the dialog that opens.
  5. In the dialog that opens, select the installation folder of the necessary IntelliJ IDEA version. (An IntelliJ IDEA installation acts as an IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK).
  6. In the Select internal Java platform dialog, select the desired JDK from the list and click OK. (Listed in this dialog are the JDKs defined in IntelliJ IDEA.)
  7. If necessary, change the path to the sandbox in the Sandbox Home field. (The sandbox is a folder where IntelliJ IDEA will copy your plugins for debugging.)
  8. Optionally, configure the source path for the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition sources (if you are going to use them and have them available on your computer). To do that, select the Sourcepath tab and click new. In the dialog that opens, select the folder containing the sources and click OK. Click OK in the Detected Source Roots dialog.
  9. Click OK to save the changes and close the Project Structure dialog.
Last modified: 6 March 2018

See Also