IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 Help

Run/Debug Configuration: Django Server

Use this dialog box to create run/debug configuration for Django server.

In this section:


Before you start working with Python, make sure that Python plugin is installed and enabled. The plugin is not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA.

Also make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • Python SDK is downloaded and installed on your machine.
  • The required framework SDKs are downloaded and installed on your machine.

Refer to their respective download and installation pages for details:

Configuration tab

HostIn this text box, specify the host name to be used.
PortIn this text box, specify the port number where the server will start.
Additional optionsIn this text box, specify the options of the utility. Refer to the and documentation for details.
Run browserSelect this check box, if you want your Django application to open in the default browser. In the text field below, enter the IP address where your application will be opened.
Test serverIf this checkbox is selected, a Django development server is launched with the test database.
If this checkbox is not selected, the development server will be used.
No reload If this checkbox is selected, the -- noreload option of the runserver command becomes enabled. If this checkbox is not selected, IntelliJ IDEA will not select it automatically, which means that debugging in autoreload mode is possible.

Refer to the option description for details.

This field is only available when the Test server checkbox is cleared.

Custom run commandSpecify here the custom command you want to register with utility. Such command, being properly added to your project, becomes available via the Run task command on the Tools menu.
Refer to the section Writing custom django-admin commands for details.
ProjectClick this drop-down list to select one of the projects, opened in the same IntelliJ IDEA window, where this run/debug configuration should be used. If there is only one open project, this field is not displayed.
Environment variablesThis field shows the list of environment variables. If the list contains several variables, they are delimited with semicolons.
By default, the field contains the variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED set to 1. To fill in the list, click the browse button, or press Shift+Enter and specify the desired set of environment variables in the Environment Variables dialog box.
To create a new variable, click artwork studio icons common add, and type the desired name and value. You might want to populate the list with the variables stored as a series of records in a text file, for example:
Variable1 = Value1 Variable2 = Value2
Just copy the list of variables from the text file and click Paste (Paste) in the Environmental Variables dialog box. The variables will be added to the table. Click Ok to complete the task. At any time, you can select all variables in the Environment Variables dialog box, click Copy (Copy), and paste them into a text file.
Python Interpreter
Interpreter optionsIn this field, specify the string to be passed to the interpreter. If necessary, click shift enter button, and type the string in the editor.
Working directorySpecify a directory to be used by the running task.
  • When a default run/debug configuration is created by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F10, or by choosing Run on the context menu of a script, the working directory is the one that contains the executable script. This directory may differ from the project directory.
  • When this field is left blank, the bin directory of the IntelliJ IDEA installation will be used.
Path mappingsThis field appears, if a remote interpreter has been selected in the field Python interpreter.
Click the browse button browseButton to define the required mappings between the local and remote paths. In the Edit Path Mappings dialog box, use add/delete buttons to create new mappings, or delete the selected ones.
Add content roots to PYTHONPATHSelect this check box to add all content roots of your project to the environment variable PYTHONPATH;
Add source roots to PYTHONPATHSelect this check box to add all source roots of your project to the environment variable PYTHONPATH;
Docker container settings

Click browseButton to open the dialog and specify the following settings:

  • Disable networking: select this checkbox to have the networking disabled. This corresponds to --net="none", which means that inside a container the external network resources are not available.
  • Network mode: corresponds to the other values of the option --net.
    • bridge is the default value. An IP address will be allocated for container on the bridge’s network and traffic will be routed though this bridge to the container.
      Containers can communicate via their IP addresses by default. To communicate by name, they must be linked.
    • host: use the host's network stack inside the container.
    • container:<name|id>: use the network stack of another container, specified via its name or id.

    Refer to the Network settings documentation for details.

  • Links: Use this section to link the container to be created with the other containers. This is applicable to Network mode = bridge and corresponds to the --link option.
  • Publish all ports: Expose all container ports to the host. This corresponds to the option --publish-all.
  • Port bindings: Specify the list of port bindings. Similar to using the -p option with docker run.
  • Extra hosts: This corresponds to the --add-host option. Refer to the page Managing /etc/hosts for details.
  • Volume bindings: Use this field to specify the bindings between the special folders-volumes and the folders of the computer, where the Docker daemon runs. This corresponds to the -v option.
    See Managing data in containers for details.
  • Environment variables: Use this field to specify the list of environment variables and their values. This corresponds to the -e option. Refer to the page ENV (environment variables) for details.

Click arrow down hide settings to expand the tables. Click add, delete or edit1 to make up the lists.

Logs tab

Use this tab to specify which log files generated while running or debugging should be displayed in the console, that is, on the dedicated tabs of the Run or Debug tool window.

Is ActiveSelect check boxes in this column to have the log entries displayed in the corresponding tabs in the Run tool window or Debug tool window.
Log File Entry

The read-only fields in this column list the log files to show. The list can contain:

  • Full paths to specific files.
  • Ant patterns that define the range of files to be displayed.
  • Aliases to substitute for full paths or patterns. These aliases are also displayed in the headers of the tabs where the corresponding log files are shown.

    If a log entry pattern defines more than one file, the tab header shows the name of the file instead of the log entry alias.

Skip ContentSelect this check box to have the previous content of the selected log skipped.
Save console output to fileSelect this check box to save the console output to the specified location. Type the path manually, or click the browse button and point to the desired location in the dialog that opens.
Show console when a message is printed to standard output streamSelect this check box to activate the output console and bring it forward if an associated process writes to Standard.out.
Show console when a message is printed to standard error streamSelect this check box to activate the output console and bring it forward if an associated process writes to Standard.err.
addClick this button to open the Edit Log Files Aliases dialog where you can select a new log entry and specify an alias for it.
edit1Click this button to edit the properties of the selected log file entry in the Edit Log Files Aliases dialog.
deleteClick this button to remove the selected log entry from the list.


add Alt+Insert Click this button to add a new configuration to the list.
delete Alt+Delete Click this button to remove the selected configuration from the list.
copy icon Ctrl+D Click this button to create a copy of the selected configuration.
settings Edit defaultsClick this button to edit the default configuration templates. The defaults are used for newly created configurations.
arrowUp or arrowDown Alt+Up or Alt+Down Use these buttons to move the selected configuration or folder up and down in the list.

The order of configurations or folders in the list defines the order in which configurations appear in the Run/Debug drop-down list on the main toolbar.

folder Move into new folder / Create new folder Use this button to create a new folder.

If one or more run/debug configurations are in focus, the selected run/debug configurations are automatically moved to the newly created folder. If only a category is in focus, an empty folder is created.

Move run/debug configurations to a folder using drag-and-drop, or the arrowUp arrowDown buttons.

sortAlphabetically Sort configurations Click this button to sort configurations in alphabetical order.

Common options

NameIn this text box, specify the name of the current run/debug configuration. This field does not appear for the default run/debug configurations.
Defaults This node in the left-hand pane of the dialog box contains the default run/debug configuration settings. Select the desired configuration to change its default settings in the right-hand pane. The defaults are applied to all newly created run/debug configurations.
Share Select this check box to make the run/debug configuration available to other team members.

If the directory-based project format is used, the settings for a run/debug configuration are stored in a separate .xml file in the .idea\runConfigurations folder if the run/debug configuration is shared, or in the .idea\workspace.xml file otherwise.

If the file-based format is used, the settings are stored in the .ipr file for shared configurations, or in the .iws file otherwise.

This check box is not available when editing the run/debug configuration defaults.

Single instance onlyIf this check box is selected, this run/debug configuration cannot be launched more than once.

Every time a new run/debug configuration is launched, IntelliJ IDEA checks the presence of the other instances of the same run/debug configuration, and displays a confirmation dialog box. If you click OK in the confirmation dialog box, the first instance of the runner will be stopped, and the next one will take its place.

This makes sense when the usage of certain resources can cause conflicts, or when launching two run/debug configurations of the same type consumes too much of the CPU and memory resources.

If this check box is not selected, it is possible to launch as many instances of the runner as required. So doing, each runner will start in its own tab of the Run tool window.

Before launchSpecify which tasks must be performed before applying the run/debug configuration. The specified tasks are performed in the order they appear in the list.
ItemKeyboard shortcutDescription
add Alt+Insert Click this icon to add a task to the list. Select the task to be added:
  • Run External tool. Select this option to run an application which is external to IntelliJ IDEA. In the dialog that opens, select the application or applications that should be run. If the necessary application is not defined in IntelliJ IDEA yet, add its definition. For more information, see Configuring Third-Party Tools and External Tools.
  • Make Select this option to have the project or module compiled. The Make Module command will be carried out if a particular module is specified in the run/debug configuration, and the Make Project command otherwise.

    If an error occurs during the compilation, IntelliJ IDEA won't attempt to start the run/debug configuration.

  • Make, no error check. The same as the Make option but IntelliJ IDEA will try to start the run/debug configuration irrespective of the compilation result.
  • Build Artifacts. Select this option to have an artifact or artifacts built. In the dialog that opens, select the artifact or artifacts that should be built.

    See also Working with Artifacts.

  • Run Another Configuration. Select this option to have another run/debug configuration executed. In the dialog that opens, select the configuration to run.

    This option is available only if you have already at least one run/debug configuration in the current project.

  • Run Ant target. Select this option to have an Ant target run. In the dialog that opens, select the target to be run. For more information, see Ant.
  • Run Grunt task. Select this option to run a Grunt task. In the Grunt task dialog box that opens, specify the Gruntfile.js where the required task is defined, select the task to execute, and specify the arguments to pass to the Grunt tool.

    Specify the location of the Node.js interpreter, the parameters to pass to it, and the path to the grunt-cli package.

  • Run Gulp task. Select this option to run a Grunt task. In the Gulp task dialog box that opens, specify the Gulpfile.js where the required task is defined, select the task to execute, and specify the arguments to pass to the Gulp tool.

    Specify the location of the Node.js interpreter, the parameters to pass to it, and the path to the gulp package.

  • Run npm Script. Select this option to execute an npm script. In the NPM Script dialog box that opens, specify the npm run/debug configuration settings.
  • Start React Native Bundler. Select this option to run the bundler automatically, as part of a running or debugging session. by default, this is done through react-native start. If your application uses Expo, you need to run the development server via the start npm task. To do that, click edit, then in the Configure React Native dialog, choose npm script and select start from the list.
  • Compile TypeScript. Select this option to run the built-in TypeScript compiler and thus make sure that all the changes you made to your TypeScript code are reflected in the generated JavaScript files. In the TypeScript Compile Settings dialog that opens, select or clear the Check errors checkbox to configure the behaviour of the compiler in case any errors are detected:
    • If the Check errors checkbox is selected, the compiler will show all the errors and the run configuration will not start.
    • If the Check errors checkbox is cleared, the compiler will show all the detected errors but the run configuration still will be launched.
  • Generate CoffeeScript Source Maps. Select this option to have the source maps for your CoffeeScript sources generated. In the dialog that opens, specify where your CoffeeScript source files are located.
  • Run Maven Goal. Select this option to have a a href="Maven_Support.xml">Maven goal runRun/Debug Configuration: Django Server. In the dialog that opens, select the goal to be run.
  • Run Remote External tool: Add a remote SSH external tool. Refer to the section Remote SSH External Tools for details.
  • Upload files to Remote Host. Select this option to have the application files automatically uploaded to the server according to the default server access configuration.
  • Run Rake task:Add a Rake task to be executed prior to running or debugging. To choose a Rake task, click the browse button browseButton, and select the desired task from the list of available tasks.

    Note that code completion is available here.

    To learn more about Rake support, refer to Rake Support section.
  • Run JRuby compiler: choose this option to execute JRuby compiler with the specified target path, compiler process heap size, and command line parameters (if any).
delete Alt+Delete Click this icon to remove the selected task from the list.
edit1 Enter Click this icon to edit the selected task. Make the necessary changes in the dialog that opens.
arrowUp Alt+Up Click this icon to move the selected task one line up in the list.
arrowDown Alt+Down Click this icon to move the selected task one line down in the list.
Show this page Select this check box to have the run/debug configuration settings shown prior to actually starting the run/debug configuration.
Activate tool windowSelect this option if you want the Run/Debug tool windows to be activated automatically when you run/debug your application. This option is enabled by default.
Last modified: 24 July 2018

See Also