IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 Help

Color Scheme

File | Settings | Editor | Color Scheme for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S settings

Use this section to select the color scheme for the IntelliJ IDEA editor.

SchemeFrom this drop-down list, select the color scheme to be used in your workspace.
cogwheel black with arrowClick this button to invoke the following commands (depending on the selected scheme):
  • Duplicate: click to save the currently selected Color settings as a new scheme. Hit Enter to save the new scheme, or Escape to cancel operation.
  • Restore Defaults: click to reset the selected color scheme to the initial defaults shipped with IntelliJ IDEA. Available if a predefined color scheme has been selected and changed.
  • Export: click to export the current scheme to a file.
  • Rename: click to rename the current scheme. This command is only available for copies or imported schemes, since the predefined schemes cannot be renamed.
  • Delete: click to delete the current scheme. This command is only available for copies or imported schemes, since the predefined schemes cannot be deleted.
  • Import Scheme: click to import a IntelliJ IDEA color scheme (you can either import a file in an internal .icls format, or a .jar created through the File | Export Settings menu), or an Eclipse color scheme in the XML format.
Last modified: 24 July 2018

See Also