IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Help


Run | View Breakpoints
icons debugger viewBreakpoints svg

Breakpoint options

Use the toolbar buttons to add or remove breakpoints, and group them by package, file or class.

The options depend on the selected breakpoint type:



Types of breakpoints


Select this option to enable breakpoints. If a breakpoint is disabled, IntelliJ IDEA will skip it during the debugging process.


Select this option to enable the suspend policy for a breakpoint.

For Line, Method, Exception breakpoints and Field Watchpoints, select one of the options to specify the way a program is paused when a breakpoint is reached. If you work with Flex or JavaScript breakpoints, you only need to specify whether you want to suspend the program execution when a breakpoint is hit.

If this option is deselected, no threads are suspended.

  • All: when a breakpoint is hit, all threads are suspended.

  • Thread: when a breakpoint is hit, the thread containing this breakpoint is suspended.

  • Make default: click if you want the suspend policy for the selected breakpoint to be used as the default one (only available if the Thread option is selected).

There are certain situations when the program will not stop at a breakpoint:

  • Two breakpoints are set at the different methods of a class, and their suspend policy is set to All.

  • When one of the breakpoints is hit, some stepping actions are performed.

  • If at the time of stepping another thread hits the second breakpoint, IntelliJ IDEA will not stop there.



Select this checkbox and specify a condition for hitting the breakpoint.

A condition is a Java Boolean expression (including a method returning true or false), for example, str1.equals(str2).

This expression should be valid at the line where the breakpoint is set, and is evaluated every time the breakpoint is reached. If the evaluation result is true, user-selected actions are performed.

If the result is false, the breakpoint does not produce any effect. If the Debugger cannot evaluate the expression, it displays the Condition evaluation error message. You can select whether you would like to stop at this breakpoint or ignore it.

Conditions for field/method/exception breakpoints are calculated in the context for the given field/method/exception.

You can enter multiline expressions, for example:

if (myvar == expectedVariable) { System.out.println (myvar); anotherVariable = true; } return true;

All types

Log to console

Select if you want to log the following events to console:
  • "Breakpoint hit" message: a log message will be displayed in the console output when this breakpoint is hit.

  • Stacktrace: this breakpoint's stacktrace will be print to console when it's hit. This is useful if you want to check which paths have lead to the given point without stopping the program's execution.

All types

Evaluate and log

Select this checkbox if you wish to evaluate a certain expression at this breakpoint and to export the result to the console output. Press Shift+Enter to open the multiline editor.

Line breakpoints

Remove once hit

Select if you want the breakpoint to be deleted after it was hit.

All types

Disable until breakpoint is hit

From the drop-down list, select the breakpoint in question. The None option corresponds to the always enabled breakpoint.

Besides that, you can also choose the behavior of this breakpoint, when the selected one is hit:

  • Disable again
  • Leave enabled

All types


Catch class filters

Select this checkbox if you want to filter out where the exceptions are caught.

Define a catch class filter in two ways:

  • Click Browse browseButton and configure the filter in the Class Filters dialog box that opens.

  • Type the filter manually in the text box. Use the following syntax:
    • Use spaces to separate catch class names and patterns from each other.

    • The catch classes to be excluded should have a minus in preposition.

For example, the filter -java.* -sun.* means that the corresponding exception breakpoint should not be triggered for the exceptions caught inside java and sun packages.


Instance filters

An instance filter is used to limit breakpoint hits only with particular object instances using instance IDs. The instance ID value can be introduced manually or using the Instance Filters dialog box called by clicking the ellipsis button. Existing instance filters are indicated by the instance ID delimited with spaces.


Class filters

Select this checkbox to have the breakpoint behave differently in relation to particular classes.

Define the class filter to appoint the classes where you want the breakpoint to be hit and the classes where the breakpoint should not be triggered.

Classes in a filter can be identified by their names or by means of class patterns.

A class pattern is a string that may start or end with an asterisk (*). The asterisk in a pattern means any number (including zero) of any characters. The patterns are matched against fully qualified class names.

The breakpoint behavior is different in relation to classes specified by their names or using class patterns.

A filter specified through a class name points at the class itself as well as at all its subclasses (i.e. the classes directly or indirectly extending this one).

A filter specified through a class pattern points at the classes whose fully qualified names match the pattern. The subclasses of such classes are selected only if their fully qualified names also match the specified pattern.

You can define a class filter in two ways:

  • Click Browse browseButton.png and configure the filter in the Class Filters dialog box that opens.

  • Type the filter manually in the text box. Use the following syntax:
    • Use spaces to separate class names and class patterns from each other.

    • The classes to be excluded should have a minus in preposition.

    For example, the filter package1.Class1 *s2 -package3.Class3 means that the corresponding breakpoint:

    • Should be triggered in the class package1.Class1 and all its subclasses, and also in the classes whose fully qualified class names end in s2.

    • Should not be triggered in the class package3.Class3 and all its subclasses.


Pass count

Specify the integer number, on which hit of the breakpoint it should be triggered. After the specified number of passes, the breakpoint is hit.

This function is helpful for debugging loops or methods called several times. When the execution process comes to a breakpoint, where Pass count is set, the debugger reduces the count value by 1 and compares it to zero. If the comparison result is true, the breakpoint is hit. If it is false, no other actions are performed until the next breakpoint is reached.

The Pass count condition can be satisfied only once. In other words, if you have a loop inside a method and the Pass count condition has been honored once, the breakpoint will not be hit the next time the said method is called.

This option is only enabled, when Condition, Instance filters and Class filters options are disabled.



Field access

Stands for triggering breakpoint every time the field is accessed.

Field watchpoints

Field modification

This checkbox is selected when simple read attempts shouldn't cause the breakpoint to trigger.

Field watchpoints

Method entry

Stands for triggering breakpoint every time the method is entered.

Method breakpoints

Method exit

Stands for triggering breakpoint every time the method is exited.

Method breakpoints


Caught exception/Uncaught exception

Specify in which cases you will be notified about hitting an exception breakpoint.

Exception breakpoints

Context menu commands



Move to group

Point to this command to move the selected breakpoint to a new group, to one of the existing groups (<group name>), or out of a group (<no group>).

Edit description

Choose this command to enter or change description of a breakpoint.

Speed search of a breakpoint

To find a particular breakpoint

  • Start typing address or description of the target breakpoint.
    ij breakpoint search

    IntelliJ IDEA highlights the line with the matching address or description.

Last modified: 20 November 2018

See Also