IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Help

Library Bundling

File | Settings | Languages and Frameworks | OSGi Framework Instances | Library Bundling for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Languages and Frameworks | OSGi Framework Instances | Library Bundling for macOS

Use this page to define rules that determine the libraries to be included in bundles and have manifest file entries generated based on these rules.




In this area, configure a list of regular expressions that define the libraries to be included in a bundle.




icons general add svg


Click this button to have a new entry added to the list.

icons general remove svg


Click this button to remove the selected entry from the list.

icons actions copy svg


Click this button to create a copy of the selected rule.

icons actions previousOccurence svg icons actions nextOccurence svg

Move Up and Move Down

Use these buttons to change the order of rules in the list.

Library name pattern

In this text box, specify the regular expression that constitutes the entry selected in the Rules list box.

Manifest entries

This read-only field displays the manifest file entries generated on the basis of specified rules. The entries are sorted in accordance with the order of rules in the Rules list box.

Never bundle

If this checkbox is selected, the libraries that match the currently selected rule are never bundled.

Process no further rules

Select this checkbox to suppress processing rules that come in the Rules list box after the selected rule.

Last modified: 20 November 2018

See Also


Language and Framework-Specific Guidelines: