IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Help

Running Rails Server

For each Rails application project, IntelliJ IDEA provides default Rails run/debug configurations for the production and development environments.

IntelliJ IDEA supports a number of Rails servers (Mongrel, WEBrick, Phusion Passenger, etc., depending on the specific platform).

Rails server runs in the dedicated tab of the Run tool window, named after the respective run/debug configuration. So doing, the server output is displayed in the Console tab, and the other information is displayed in the Server <environment type> log tab:

rm railsServerRunning

To run a Rails server

  1. Press Shift+Alt+F10, and choose the desired Rails run/debug configuration type.

  2. If necessary, change the run/debug configuration settings. To do that, choose Edit configurations... in the Run popup menu, and choose the desired Rails configuration type.

    Rails run/debug configuration dialog box appears.

    In this dialog box, modify the desired settings. For example, IntelliJ IDEA suggests WEBrick as the default Rails server. You can select a different server from the list of supported servers.

  3. Click the icons toolwindows toolWindowRun svg button on the main toolbar.

Last modified: 20 November 2018

See Also


Language and Framework-Specific Guidelines: