IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Help

Web Services

File | Settings | Tools | Web Services for Windows and Linux
IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Tools | Web Services for macOS
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Use this dialog box to specify the default server name and port for generating URL addresses of Web services, as well as the paths to installation directories of Web service engines that cannot be enabled directly via dedicated facets.



External engines

In this section, specify the paths to the installation directories of external Web service engines. Enter the path manually, or click Browse browseButton and select the path in the dialog that opens. The following external engines are supported:

Server name

In this text box, specify the default name of the server to be used in URL addresses. IntelliJ IDEA suggests localhost.

Server port

In this text box, specify the default port number to be used in URL addresses. IntelliJ IDEA suggests 8080.

Prefix path for web services URL

In this text box, specify the default prefix to be used in URL addresses of Web services. IntelliJ IDEA suggests /services.

Maximum VM heap size when launching tools (Mb)

In this text box, specify the default maximum heap size in Mbs that will be used when a Web service is launched.

Last modified: 20 November 2018

See Also