IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Help

Extracting Parameter in Groovy

This section discusses the Extract parameter refactoring for Groovy. This refactoring lets you perform the following actions:

  • Creating a new method parameter from the selected expression within a method. All the usages of the method will be auto-updated.

  • Adding a parameter to a closure. If there is a variable, associated with the closure, the calls to this variable are replaced with the corresponding expressions.

In this section:




class Cat { Cat cat = new Cat() def makePestOfItself(){ print ("miaou!!!!!!!!") } def makeTroubles(){ if (makePest){ makePestOfItself() } } }

class Cat { Cat cat = new Cat() def makePestOfItself(String warning){ print (warning) } def makeTroubles(){ if (makePest){ makePestOfItself("miaou!!!!!!!!") } } }

class Bar { def foo = { print 'H<caret here>ello, world!' } } new Bar().foo() new Bar()

class Bar { def foo = { String s -> print s } } new Bar().foo('Hello, world!') new Bar()'Hello, world!')

To extract a parameter in Groovy

  1. In the editor, place the cursor within the expression to be replaced by the parameter.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+P.

    • Choose Refactor | Extract | Parameter on the main menu.

    • Choose Refactor | Extract | Parameter from the context menu.

  3. In the Extract Parameter dialog:
    1. Specify the parameter name in the Name field.

    2. Choose parameter type, and specify whether you want to declare the new parameter final, and create the overloading method.

    3. Click OK.

Last modified: 1 February 2019

See Also