IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Help


PhoneGap, Apache Cordova, and Ionic are frameworks for developing mobile application with single HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/TypeScript code base and targeting various mobile platforms, including Android.

Before you start

  1. Install and enable the PhoneGap/Cordova repository plugin on the Plugins page as described in Managing Plugins.

  2. Download and install Node.js.

  3. Download and install an emulator tool depending on the target platform and the operating system you use. Learn more from the Cordova official website.

Installing PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic

  • Open the built-in IntelliJ IDEA Terminal (Alt+F12) and type one of the following commands at the command prompt:

    npm install -- global phonegap npm install -- global cordova npm install -- global ionic

Creating a new PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application

If you have no application yet, you can generate a IntelliJ IDEA project with PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic-specific structure from a boilerplate template. Alternatively, create an empty IntelliJ IDEA project and configure PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic support in it as described in Starting with an existing Meteor application below.

To create a PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application from a template

  1. Choose File | New | Project on the main menu or click the New Project button on the Welcome screen.

  2. In the Project Category and Options dialog, which is the first page of the New Project wizard, choose Static Web in the left-hand pane.

  3. In the right-hand pane, choose PhoneGap/Cordova App and click Next.

  4. On the second page of the wizard, specify the project name and the folder to create it in. Specify the location of the executable file phonegap.cmd, or cordova.cmd, or ionic.cmd (see Installing PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic).

  5. When you click Finish, IntelliJ IDEA generates a skeleton of a PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application with the framework-specific structure.

To create an empty IntelliJ IDEA project

  1. Choose File | New | Project on the main menu or click the New Project button on the Welcome screen.

  2. In the Project Category and Options dialog, which is the first page of the New Project wizard, choose Static Web in the left-hand pane.

  3. In the right-hand pane, again choose Static Web and click Next.

  4. On the second page of the wizard, specify the project folder and name and click Finish.

Starting with an existing PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application

  1. Open the desired PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application in IntelliJ IDEA by choosing File | Open on the main menu or clicking Open on the Welcome Screen.

  2. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), click JavaScript under Languages and Frameworks, and then click Cordova. The Cordova page opens.

  3. Check the location of the executable file phonegap.cmd, or cordova.cmd, or ionic.cmd or specify the path to it if IntelliJ IDEA has not detected the executable file automatically.

    IntelliJ IDEA detects the installed version and displays it in the PhoneGap/Cordova Version read-only field,

  4. In the Cordova Working Directory field, specify the folder under which the PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application files to run are stored.

  5. In the Plugins area, configure a list of plugins to use in your development by installing required packages. The list shows all the PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic plugins that are currently installed on your computer, both at the global and at the project level.
    • To install a plugin, click Install. In the Available Packages dialog box that opens, select the required package.

      To install the package globally, select the Options checkbox and type --global in the text box. Click Install Package.

    • To remove a plugin, select it in the list and click Uninstall.

    • To upgrade a plugin to the latest available version, select the plugin in the list and click Upgrade.

    See Apache Cordova Plugins and PhoneGap Plugins for information about plugins and their use.

Creating and launching a PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic run configuration

PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic applications are executed according to a dedicated run/debug configuration.

  1. On the main menu, choose Run | Edit Configurations. In the Edit Configuration dialog box that opens, click the Add New Configuration toolbar button icons general add svg, and choose PhoneGap/Cordova on the context menu.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configuration: PhoneGap/Cordova dialog box that opens, specify the following:
    1. The name of the configuration.

    2. In the PhoneGap/Cordova Executable Path field, specify the location of the executable file phonegap.cmd, cordova.cmd, or ionic.cml (see Installing PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic).

    3. In the PhoneGap/Cordova Working Directory field, specify the folder under which the PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application files to run are stored.

    4. From the Command drop-down list, choose the command to run. The contents of the drop-down list, depend on the actually used framework, namely, on the executable file specified in the PhoneGap/Cordova Executable Path field. The available options are:
      • For PhoneGap:
        • emulate

        • run

        • prepare

        • serve

        • remote build

        • remote run

        See PhoneGap CLI for a list of PhoneGap-specific commands with descriptions.
      • For Cordova:
        • emulate

        • run

        • prepare

        • serve

        See Cordova CLI for a list of Cordova-specific commands with descriptions.
      • For Ionic:
        • emulate

        • run

        • prepare

        • serve

        See Ionic CLI for a list of Ionic-specific commands with descriptions.
    5. From the Platform drop-down list, choose the platform for which the application is intended. The available options are:
      • Android
      • ios To emulate this platform, you need to install the ios-sim command line tool globally. You can do it through the Node Package Manager (npm), see npm and Yarn or by running the sudo npm install ios-sim -g command, depending on your oeprating system.

      • amazon-fireos
      • firefoxos
      • blackberry10
      • ubuntu
      • wp8
      • windows8
      • browser
      Learn more about targeted platforms from the Platform Guides.
    6. For Cordova and Ionic, specify the targeted virtual or physical Android device to run the application on: select the Specify Target checkbox and select the required device from the drop-down list. The list shows all the virtual and physical devices that are currently configured on our machine. for details. Learn more about setting up emulators from the Cordova official website.

      If IntelliJ IDEA displays the following error message: Cannot detect ios-sim in path, make sure you have installed the ios-sim, see Before you start.

  3. To run a PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic application, select the required run configuration from the list on the main tool bar and then choose Run | Run <configuration name> on the main menu or click Run icons toolwindows toolWindowRun svg.

Last modified: 1 February 2019

See Also