IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Help


Executing Rails development tasks sometimes involves overheads, because every time the entire Rails environment should be reloaded. You can avoid it using the Zeus server, which loads the environment only once.


  • You are working with macOS or Linux operating system.

  • Prior to launching Zeus server, make sure zeus gem, and the corresponding testing gems (rspec-rails, cucumber, cucumber-rails, etc.) are used in your application.

  • It is possible to run Zeus server without adding zeus gem to Gemfile. It is enough to install the zeus gem to the currently selected sdk/gemset.

Changes to the UI

  • As soon, as zeus is added to your application, the command Tools | Run Zeus server... appears on the main menu.

  • Default run/debug configuration for Zeus server is added.

    When Zeus server is launched for the first time, IntelliJ IDEA creates a temporary run/debug configuration. Later you can change this run/debug configuration as required, save it as permanent, and use it to run the server.

To launch Zeus server

  • On the main menu, choose Tools | Run Zeus server....

The Zeus server starts in a separate tab of the Run tool window.

Managing Zeus server

Refer to the description of the Run tool window. In particular, use the following buttons:

  • Stop - stop the Zeus server without closing its tab in the Run tool window.

  • Close - close the Zeus server tab.

  • Rerun - rerun Zeus server in the same tab.

Last modified: 1 February 2019

See Also

Language and Framework-Specific Guidelines: