IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 Help

Managing Struts Elements - General Steps

IntelliJ IDEA provides a user-friendly visual interface for managing Struts elements which includes:

The set of actions and attributes available for a specific element depends on its nature.

To create an element

All types of elements are created in the same way.

Alternatively, right-click the element in the tree and select Jump to Source or press F4. This will bring you to struts-config.xml in the text view where you can specify the element's properties manually. IntelliJ IDEA displays a template for specifying the properties that are mandatory for the elements of the specific type.

  1. Open struts-config.xml.

  2. Switch to the Struts Assistant tool window, tab Struts.

  3. Right-click the corresponding element type in the Structure Tree and select the Add action from the context menu.

  4. Specify the properties of the new element in the Properties Table.

To remove an element

All types of elements are removed in the same way.

  • Right-click it in the Structure Tree and select the Remove action from the context menu.

To view or edit an element

  1. Select it in the Structure Tree or on the Struts Web Flow Diagram and make the necessary changes in the Properties Table.

  2. To add an attribute to the element, right-click the element in the Structure Tree and select Add in the context menu.

  3. Specify the properties of the attribute in the Properties Table.

  4. To remove an attribute, right-click it in the Structure Tree and select Remove in the context menu
Last modified: 20 June 2019

See Also