IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 Help

Play Framework 1.x

IntelliJ IDEA supports the version 1.x.x of the Play framework. The necessary integration with the framework is provided by the Playframework Support plugin bundled with with the IDE.

A Play application in IntelliJ IDEA corresponds to a Java module.

In this section:

Play framework support overview

Please note that the Play framework version 1.x is supported by the IntelliJ IDEA version 11. The later versions of IntelliJ IDEA support the Play 2.x version. Moreover, for the IntelliJ IDEA version 14.0, the Play 2.x framework is merged with the Scala plugin.

The Play framework support in IntelliJ IDEA includes:

  • An ability to use the play command-line utility (the Play console) right in the IDE.

  • Coding assistance:
    • Navigation between the methods of and the corresponding templates .

    • Updating templates through the variables of the corresponding methods.

    • Code completion for keywords, labels, variables, parameters and functions.

    • Error and syntax highlighting.

    • Code formatting and folding.

  • Advanced source code search and replace capabilities.

  • Structure view.

Preparing for Play application development

To prepare for Play application development:

  1. Download and install the desired Play framework version supported by IntelliJ IDEA. See the installation instructions.

  2. Create a new Play application (play new) or get an existing one (the one that you are going to work with in IntelliJ IDEA).

  3. Prepare your application for opening it in IntelliJ IDEA (play idea or play idealize).

  4. Make sure that the Play framework settings are properly specified in IntelliJ IDEA.

  5. Open the application in IntelliJ IDEA.

  6. Optionally, convert the project into the directory-based format.

Creating a Play application

To create a new Play application, run the play new command in a command-line shell, outside IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Open your command-line shell.

  2. Switch to the directory in which you want to create your Play application.

  3. Run the following command:
    play new <dir>

    where <dir> is the name of your new Play application directory (for example helloworld) which will be created in the current directory.

  4. When asked for the application name, type the name and press Enter.

As a result, the Play application with the specified name is created in the specified directory.

Preparing a Play application for opening it in IntelliJ IDEA

To prepare a Play application for opening it in IntelliJ IDEA, run the play idea or the play idealize command from the root directory of your Play application:

  1. Open your command-line shell.

  2. Switch to the root directory of your Play application.

  3. Run the following command:
    play idea

    (Alternatively, you can use the play idealize command.)

As a result, all the necessary IntelliJ IDEA configuration files are created in the current directory. These include the <app_name>.ipr project file which you can now open in IntelliJ IDEA.

Specifying Play framework settings

In IntelliJ IDEA, the Play framework settings are specified in the Settings Preferences dialog, on the Play Configuration page.

  1. Open the Settings Preferences dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+S).

  2. In the left-hand pane of the dialog, select Play Configuration.

  3. On the Play Configuration page that opens in the right-hand part of the dialog:
    • In the Home field, specify the Play framework installation directory.

    • In the Working directory field, specify the Play framework working directory. This is the directory from which the commands of the play command-line utility are run.

    • Depending on your preferences, turn the Show on console run option on or off.

  4. Click OK in the Settings Preferences dialog.

Opening a Play application in IntelliJ IDEA

To open a Play application in IntelliJ IDEA, you should open the <app_name>.ipr project file you have previously generated:

  1. Select File | Open.

  2. In the Open File or Project dialog, go to your Play application root folder, select the <app_name>.ipr file, and click OK.

In the project that opens your Play application is represented by an IntelliJ IDEA module.

If necessary, convert your project into the directory-based format.

An alternative way to create an IntelliJ IDEA project for a Play application

The quickest and the most convenient way to start working with a Play application in IntelliJ IDEA is to run the play idea command and then open the generated .ipr file in IntelliJ IDEA.

As an alternative, you can create a new project for your Play application sources using File | New | Project from Existing Sources and then add the necessary Play framework assets (<play_dir>\framework\lib and <play_dir>\framework\play-<version>.jar) to dependencies of the resulting IntelliJ IDEA module:

  1. Select File | New | Project from Existing Sources.

  2. In the dialog that opens, select your Play application root directory.

  3. On the first page of the Import Project wizard, select Create project from existing sources and click Next.

  4. On the next page of the wizard, in the Project location field, specify the path to your Play application root directory. The rest of the settings are not that important. Click Next.

  5. Follow the instructions of the wizard. (Normally, all you have to do is to click Next on each of the pages accepting the default settings.)

    When the project has been created, add the necessary module dependencies:

  6. Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S).

  7. In the left-hand pane of the dialog, select Modules.

  8. On the Module page shown in the right-hand part of the dialog, select the Dependencies tab, click icons general add svg and select Jars or directories.

  9. In the Attach Files or Directories dialog, go to the Play framework installation directory, select the directory framework\lib and the file framework\play-<version>.jar, and click OK.

  10. Click OK in the Project Structure dialog.

Accessing the play command-line utility in IntelliJ IDEA

If a Play application is currently open in IntelliJ IDEA, you can access the play command-line utility (the Play console) and run it right from the IDE:

  1. Select Tools | Play with Playframework.

  2. In the Play Configuration dialog specify the Play framework settings and click OK. (This dialog is not shown if the Show on console run option is off in the Play framework settings.)

As a result, the play command-line utility is started in the Run tool window.

Adding Play modules to an IntelliJ IDEA module

The Play modules used by your Play application should be added to the corresponding IntelliJ IDEA module as the module content roots. For example, if your application uses (or is about to be using) the Play module secure:

  1. Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S).

  2. In the left-hand pane of the dialog, select Modules.

  3. On the Module page shown in the right-hand part of the dialog, select the Sources tab and click Add Content Root.

  4. In the Select content root directory dialog, go to the Play framework installation folder, select the directory modules\secure, and click OK. (If the Play module you want isn't included in the Play framework distribution, you should download that module first to make it available locally.)

  5. Click OK in the Project Structure dialog.

Running a Play application

To run your play application, you can use the play run command:

  1. Start the play command-line utility (Tools | Play with Playframework).

  2. In the Run tool window, after play, type run and press Enter.

  3. Open a Web browser and go to http://localhost:9000 to see the application home page.

As an alternative, you can create an IntelliJ IDEA run/debug configuration, and use that configuration for running your application.

To create a run configuration for running your Play application:

  1. Open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog (e.g. Run | Edit Configurations).

  2. Click icons general add svg (Alt+Insert) and select Application.

  3. In the following fields, specify:
    • Main class. Type play.server.Server

    • VM options. Type -Dapplication.path="."

    • Working directory. Specify your Play application root directory.

  4. If necessary, change the run configuration name and click OK.

Now, to execute this run configuration, you can, for example, use Run | Run. (For more information, see Running Applications.)

Running Play application tests

To run tests for your Play application, you can use the play test command:

  1. Start the play command-line utility (Tools | Play with Playframework).

  2. In the Run tool window, after play, type test and press Enter.

  3. Open a Web browser and go to http://localhost:9000/@tests to run the tests.

To be able to use an IntelliJ IDEA run/debug configuration for running your tests:

  • Add <play_dir>\modules\testrunner\lib\play-testrunner.jar to the dependencies of your module.

  • Modify the run configuration for running the application: in the VM options field, after -Dapplication.path=".", type space and then type

    So, finally, the VM options field will contain:


    (If you want a separate run configuration for the tests, you can create a copy of the existing run configuration (icons actions copy svg) and then modify that copy accordingly.)

Debugging a Play application: process overview

  1. Create a run/debug configuration for debugging. This should be a Remote type of configuration; the port specified in this configuration should correspond to a Java debugger port (8000 by default).

  2. Set one or more breakpoints in your code. See Breakpoints.

  3. If you are going to use an IntelliJ IDEA run configuration for starting the application, modify the corresponding run configuration, or create a new one.

  4. Run the application by using the play run command (without any options and arguments) or by executing the corresponding run configuration.

  5. Start the run/debug configuration intended for debugging.

  6. In a Web browser, go to http://localhost:9000 and, by using the application, try to reach a breakpoint.

  7. When a breakpoint is reached, switch to IntelliJ IDEA and scrutinize the suspicious code fragments.

  8. Continue debugging unless you localize the problem in your code.

See also, Do not suspend code execution.

Creating a run/debug configuration for debugging

  1. Open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog (e.g. Run | Edit Configurations).

  2. Click icons general add svg (Alt+Insert) and select Remote.

  3. In the Port field, specify 8000. (This is the port to which a Java debugger will connect. By default, the Play framework uses the port 8000.)

  4. If necessary, change the run/debug configuration name and click OK.

Modifying the run configuration for running the application

If you are using an IntelliJ IDEA run configuration for running your Play application, this configuration has to be modified so that a Java debugger could connect to the running application. This is done by adding the corresponding JVM options. The necessary options can be copied from the run/debug configuration intended for debugging.

  1. Open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog (e.g. Run | Edit Configurations).

  2. In the left-hand pane of the dialog, select the run/debug configuration intended for debugging.

  3. Click icons actions copy svg to the right of the upper field containing JVM command-line arguments. As a result, the field contents are copied to the clipboard.

  4. Select the run configuration for running the application, and paste the options into the VM options field. This field should finally contain -Dapplication.path=".", then a space and then the options you've just pasted. Here is an example:
    -Dapplication.path="." -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000

    (If you are using the same run configuration for running the application and the tests, you may need to delete

  5. Click OK.

Last modified: 20 June 2019

See Also