IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 Help

Bean Validation Tool Window

To open this tool window:
View | Tool Windows | Bean Validation
See also, Show a tool window.

Note that this tool window is available only if there is a library that implements Bean Validation in the dependencies of one or more of your modules.

The Bean Validation tool window provides a categorized hierarchical view of your bean validation resources. These include the appropriately annotated Java sources as well as xml validation descriptors and constraint mappings.

At the top of the hierarchy are your modules. One level below are categories.

The main categories are constraints, constraint validators and constraints mappings.

You can show or hide the categories. You can also open the elements shown in the tool window in the editor.

Showing and hiding categories

Use the toolbar buttons to show or hide the corresponding category.




bean validation resources icons constraints svg


Click this button to show or hide the elements related to bean validation constraints.

Shown in this category are the constraints (constraint annotations) defined in your source code (cdi named) and also the ones available in the bean validation library that you are using (bean validation library constraints).

For each of the constraints, the related elements are shown (if any). These may be the corresponding constraint validators or other entities that reference the constraint.

bean validation resources icons beanValidation svg


Click this button to show or hide bean validators.

Shown in this category are the validators for which you developed the source code yourself bean validation resources icons beanValidation svg/> and also the ones available in the bean validation library that you are using bean validation resources icons libValidator svg.

bean validation resources icons constraintMappings svg

Constraint Mappings

Click this button to show or hide xml constraint mappings.

Shown in this category are the xml files that contain the corresponding mappings. For each of the files, a structured view of mapping definition elements is provided.

Opening elements in the editor

You can open the elements shown in the Bean Validation tool window in the editor. To do that, select the element of interest and press F4.

To open the elements which are the "leaves" of the tree (that is, the ones at the bottom of the hierarchy), you can also use a double-click.

Last modified: 17 October 2019