IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 Help

Import a project from Bnd/Bndtools

Before import your project, make sure that the bundled Osmorc plugin is enabled.

  1. Launch IntelliJ IDEA.

    If the Welcome screen opens, click Import Project.

    Otherwise, from the main menu, select File | New | Project from Existing Sources.

  2. In the dialog that opens, select the directory in which your sources, libraries, and other assets are located and click Open.

  3. In the Import Project dilaog, select Import project from external model | Bnd/Bndtools and click Next.

    Importing a project from Bnd/Bndtools
  4. Select the Bnd/Bndtools projects that you want to import.

    You can select the Open Project Structure after import option to open the Project Structure dilaog right after import where you can finish configuring your project.

    Click Next.

    Imporing a Bnd/Bndtools project
  5. Specify the project SDK and click Finish.

    Importing a project from Bnd/Bndtools

Last modified: 17 October 2019