IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 Help

Arquillian Containers

Specify the containers for running your Arquillian tests.




the Add button

Add a container configuration. Select one of the following:

  • Manual container configuration. Select this option to configure a managed or remote container. You can also use this option to configure an embedded container if the container of interest is not present in the Embedded list.

    Use the Add button, the Remove button, and the Edit button in the Dependencies section to specify the container implementation.

  • Embedded. Select this option to use an embedded container. Then select the container of interest.

    Use the Edit button in the Dependencies section to fine-tune the container configuration.

the Remove button

Remove the selected container configurations.

Container settings




The name of the container configuration.

Arquillian container

For an embedded container: a link to a web page for the corresponding container adapter Maven artifact.


The container adapter implementation represented by a Maven artifact or IntelliJ IDEA library.

the Add button Add a Maven artifact or IntelliJ IDEA library.

the Remove button Remove the selected items from the list.

the Edit button Edit the settings for the selected item. Depending on the container, you can change the adapter version or choose to download the container source code and documentation.

VM options

Options and arguments to be passed to the JVM in which the container runs.

When specifying JVM options, follow these rules:

  • Use spaces to separate individual options, for example, -client -ea -Xmx1024m.

  • If an option includes spaces, enclose the spaces or the argument that contains spaces in double quotes, for example, some" "arg or "some arg".

  • If an option includes double quotes (as part of the argument), escape the double quotes using backslashes, for example, -Dmy.prop=\"quoted_value\".

  • You can pass environment variable values to custom Java properties. For example, if you define a variable MY_ENV_VAR, you can pass it to the foo property as follows:


Environment variables

The environment variables to be passed to the corresponding JVM.

Last modified: 26 April 2020