IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 Help

Opening a GWT Application in the Browser

You can specify whether you need the application to open in a browser or not. Moreover, you can choose a browser to use. This can be the default IntelliJ IDEA browser or any other browser of your choice.

To enable or disable opening a GWT application in the browser

  1. Open Run/Debug Configuration for GWT.

  2. Select Open in browser checkbox and from the drop-down list select a browser that you want to use for your application. Otherwise, clear the Open in browser checkbox.

    Note that even if you decide to run the application in the embedded GWT development mode without launching the browser, you can still specify the .html file from which you can start the application.

To configure the way to show a GWT application

  1. Open Run/Debug Configuration for GWT.

  2. Select the Open in browser checkbox and from the drop-down list, select the browser in which you want to open the application.

    To use the default IntelliJ IDEA browser, choose the Default item from the drop-down list.

  3. To specify the starting page of the application, in the Start page field, select the .html file that implements this page.

Last modified: 26 April 2020