IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 Help

Database objects

In relational databases, a database object is a structure that is used to either store or reference data. Data in a table is stored in a cell that is an intersection of a vertical column and horizontal row. The table has a specified number of columns, but can have any number of rows. With IntelliJ IDEA, you can perform data manipulation and data definition operations with tables.

The data editor

Show descriptions for databases and tables

  • To enable descriptions for databases and tables, navigate to View | Appearance and select Details in Tree Views.

    To add comments for tables, select a table and press Ctrl+F6. In the Comment text field, add a table description.

    To add comments for a database, open database settings Ctrl+Alt+S and add a database description in the Comment text field.

    Show descriptions for databases and tables

Viewing modes for tables

When you double-click a table in the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), the table opens in the data editor. You can browse and edit table data in three modes: Table, Transposed Table, and Tree. To switch between these modes, click the Show Options Menu button (the Show Options Menu button), navigate to View as and select the mode that you need.

  • Table: the default viewing mode of table data. Data in a table is stored in a cell that is an intersection of a vertical column and horizontal row.

    The table viewing mode

  • Transposed Table: viewing mode in which rows and columns are interchanged.

    The transposed table viewing mode

  • Tree: viewing mode in which data is displayed in the key-value table with the possibility to expand the key cell if it contains children nodes. Data from the expanded children node is distributed between key and value columns. You might consider using this mode to work with JSON and array data.

    The tree viewing mode

Last modified: 26 April 2020