IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 Help


A column is a piece of data that is stored by a table. This data belongs to a particular type. A column may include text, numbers, or pointers to files in the operating system. Some relational database systems allow columns to include more complex data types like whole documents, images, or video clips.

Add a column

  1. Right-click a table and select New | Column.

  2. Specify a column name and settings.

  3. Click Execute.

    Add a column

Delete a column

  1. Right-click a column and select Drop. Alternatively, press N/A.

  2. (Optional) Click the Settings icon (The Settings icon ) to configure the drop process.

  3. Click OK.

    Drop a column

Modify a column

  1. In the Database tool window, right-click a column and select Modify Column.

  2. In the Modify table dialog, specify the column settings that you need.

Reorder columns

To reorder columns, use drag-and-drop for the corresponding cells in the header row.

Hide columns

To hide a column, right-click the corresponding header cell and select Hide column.

Alternatively, you can right-click any of the cells in the header row and select Column List Ctrl+F12. In the Column List window, select a column name and press Space. You can hide all columns. To search through the column list, just start typing a column name in the Column List window.

Hide a column

Show columns

  1. Right-click any of the cells in the header row and select Column List. Alternatively, press Ctrl+F12.

  2. Select the hidden column (a strikethrough column name) and press Space.

Show a column

Reset the table view to the initial state

  • Click the settings icon (the settings icon) and select Reset View. As a result, the data becomes unsorted, the columns appear in the order they were defined initially, and all the columns are shown.

Sort data

To sort table data in a column, click the cell in the header row.



No sorting

Indicates that the data is not sorted in this column. The initial state of the sorting marker.

Ascending order

The data is sorted in the ascending order. The number to the right of the marker (1 on the picture) is the sorting level. You can sort by more than one column. In such cases, different columns will have different sorting levels.

Descending order

The data is sorted in the descending order.

Inject a language for a column

You can assign a formal language (such as HTML, CSS, XML, RegExp, etc.) for the whole column. So, when you have a piece of code inside the cell that belongs to the column, you can use code generation, code completion, and other features IDE features.

To inject a language for the whole column, right-click the corresponding header cell, and select Edit As. In the list of supported languages, select the language that you want to inject.

Inject a language for a column

Change the column width

  • Position a cursor between two columns, so it changes to the resize mode. Drag it to the preferred position.

    To expand a cell to edit a value, use the Edit Maximized action (Shift+Enter).

Last modified: 15 April 2020