IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 Help

Generate call to Web service

IntelliJ IDEA provides coding assistance in developing client calls to Web services, both strictly typed and loosely typed. Coding assistance for calls to strongly typed Web services is Web service interface- and data type- specific and is based on the XML-Java binding generated from the WSDL descriptor.

IntelliJ IDEA will also help you generate calls to loosely typed Apache Axis or XFire Web services. In this case, the basic Web service client coding assistance is provided through the dedicated facet.

To have a call to a strongly typed Web service generated

  1. Open the client code in the editor and position the cursor where the call should be generated.

  2. Choose Tools | WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the main menu or WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the context menu.

  3. From the context menu that opens select the relevant option depending on the type of the target Web service. The available options are:
    • Generate WS Call for Axis
    • Generate WS Call for Axis2
    • Generate WS Call for JAX-WS RI/GlassFish/JWSDP
    • Generate WS Call for XFire
    • Generate WS Call for JAXRPC
    • Generate WS Call for WebSphere
  4. Complete the generated invocation code stub by providing the relevant data in the template input fields, using suggestion lists and intention actions, where applicable. The active input field is highlighted with a red frame.

    The contents of the suggestion lists are determined by the Java classes generated from the WSDL descriptor.

To have a call to a loosely typed Web service generated

  1. Open the client code in the editor and position the cursor where the call should be generated.

  2. Choose Tools | WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the main menu or WebServices | WebServices Client Code on the context menu.

  3. From the context menu that opens select the relevant option depending on the type of the target Web service. The available options are:
    • Generate WS Untyped Call for Axis
    • Generate WS Untyped Call for XFire
  4. Complete the generated invocation code stub by providing the relevant data in the template input fields, using suggestion lists and intention actions, where applicable. The active input field is highlighted with a red frame.

    The contents of the suggestion lists are determined by the libraries provided through the dedicated facet.

Last modified: 15 April 2020