IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 Help

Interactive debugger console

The interactive Console pane shows you stack traces and everything that was logged in your code (for example, using console.*).

The Console pane is also a read-eval-print loop (REPL) so you can run JavaScript code snippets in it and interact with the page that you are currently debugging.

Run JavaScript in the Console

  1. Start typing a statement at > in the input field. As you type, IntelliJ IDEA suggests variants for completion.

  2. Select the relevant statement and press Enter. IntelliJ IDEA shows its value in the console.

Navigate to source code

  • At each line with output of console.*, IntelliJ IDEA shows the name of the file and the line where it was called. Click this link to jump to the call in the source code.

  • The Console also shows stack traces. Click the link next to a reported problem to jump to the line of code where this problem occurred.

Filter out messages

The console shows objects in a tree view, with stack traces collapsed by default. Warnings console.warn(), errors console.error(), and info messages have different icons and background colors to make them easier to notice.

  • To hide log messages of specific types, click the Filter button and select the severities to filter out.

    Node.js interactive debugger console: filtering out messages by type

Group messages

  • The log messages grouped using and console.groupEnd() are displayed as a tree. To show the output collapsed by default, use console.groupCollapsed().

    Node.js interactive debugger console: log messages grouped

Apply CSS styles

  • Use CSS and the %c marker to apply styles to log messages.

    JavaScript interactive debugger console: applying CSS style to log messages
Last modified: 15 April 2020