IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Help

Extract Interface Dialog

Refactor | Extract Interface

For more information on how to use Extract Interface in IntelliJ IDEA, see the extract interface section.

Extract interface fromThis read-only field shows the name of the source package that contains the class to extract an interface from.
Extract interfaceWhen this option is selected, IntelliJ IDEA extracts a new interface but does not use it immediately and the source code is not changed.
Interface nameType the name for the new interface. The field is available if the Extract interface option is selected.
Extract interface and use it where possible Select this option to have an interface extracted and immediately applied to the source code, with the suggested changes displayed in the dedicated tab of the Find tool window.
Rename original class and use interface where possibleUse this option to rename the original class and make it an implementation of the newly created interface.
Rename implementation class toType the new name for the original class. The field is available if the Rename original class and use interface where possible option is selected.
Package for new interfaceSpecify the package for the new interface. If necessary, click Browse the Browse button and choose the target package in the dialog that opens.
Members to Form InterfaceSpecify the methods of the class, as well as final static fields (constants) to be included in the new interface. To have an element included in the interface, select the checkbox next to it.

Specify the action to be applied to the inline documentation. The available options are:

  • As is - select this option to have the inline documentation left where it is.

  • Copy - select this option to have the inline documentation copied to the extracted interface without removing it from its current location.

  • Move - select this option to have the inline documentation moved to the extracted interface and delete it from its current location.

Last modified: 19 August 2020