IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Help

Generate Java Code from WSDL or WADL dialog

Tools | Web Services | Generate Java Code from Wsdl or Wadl

The dialog opens after you create a Java module and enable Web services client development in it. To access the dialog at any time during development, select the desired client module in the Project view and choose Tools | WebServices | Generate Java Code from Wsdl or Wadl from the main menu.

Use the Generate Java Code from Wsdl or Wadl dialog to generate the client-side XML-Java bindings based on the desired WSDL descriptor of the target Web service. Technically, IntelliJ IDEA generates Java code from WSDL using third party libraries. The command that control this process uses data that you specify in the Generate Java Code from Wsdl or Wadl dialog.

ItemDescriptionWeb Service Client Type
Web service wsdl urlSpecify the location of the target Web service WSDL descriptor.All
User Name and Password Specify the credentials for accessing the WSDL URL address. The fields are mandatory if the WSDL location requires authentication. JAX-WS
Output PathSpecify the module source directory to place the generated files in.All
Package PrefixSpecify the package for the compiled Java classes.All
Output ModeSpecify whether you want to generate Java code only for the client side or for the server side as well.Apache Axis
Type Mapping Version

Specify the default type mapping registry for mapping an XML qualified name to a Java class, using a specified Deserializer. The available options are:

  • 1.1

  • 1.2

Apache Axis
Allow Extensions Generate Java code for the extension points contained in the WSDL file. All
Generate TestCaseGenerate an additional JUnit test case class for testing purposes.Apache Axis
Generate Classes for Schema ArraysSpecify whether to generate classes for schema arrays or use Java arrays.Apache Axis
Generate Unreferenced ElementsGenerate Java code for unreferenced (declared in the schema but not used) elements as well.Apache Axis
Support Wrapped Document/Literal Style

Configure processing of "wrapped" document/literal, which is a document literal variation that wraps parameters as children of the root element.

By default, this is enabled, and a set of conditions defines whether top-level elements are "unwrapped" and each component of the element should be treated as an argument of the operation. The following conditions apply to "unwrapped" elements:

  • An input message consists of single part.

  • This single part is an element.

  • The element has the same name as the operation.

  • The element's complex type has no attributes.

If disabled, there will be no special treatment for "wrapped" document/literal style operations.

Apache Axis
StatusView the information in this read-only field to track and improve discrepancies when configuring the code generation procedure.All
Last modified: 22 July 2020