IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Help

Select Accessor Fields to Include in Transfer Object

EJB Tool Window | context menu of an entity bean | New | Transfer Object

Use this dialog box to select methods to be included in a transfer object for an entity bean.

the Sort Alphabetically buttonUse this button to have methods sorted in the ascending or in the descending order.
icon showClasses pngShow ClassesIf a bean refers to ancestor classes, clicking this button reveals these classes and their members. Otherwise, the button is not available.

This functionality depends on the EJB specification.

icons.actions.expandall.svgExpand AllClick this button to have all nodes expanded.
icons.actions.collapseall.svgCollapse AllClick this button to have all nodes collapsed.
List of members in the entity bean in questionFrom the list, select the desired methods. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selection.
Transfer object class nameIn this field, specify a name for a transfer object class that matches a certain pattern. Accept the name suggested by IntelliJ IDEA or change it as required.
Generate getter/setter in <class name> interfaceSelect these checkboxes to have accessor methods for the selected fields generated. You can accept the suggested names of the accessor methods or change them as required.
Copy JavaDocSelect this checkbox to have a JavaDoc comment to the generated transfer object included, if any.
Last modified: 19 August 2020