IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 Help

Web services

In this section:


IntelliJ IDEA supports efficient development, packaging, and deployment of Web services.

The supported standards are:

You can also enable and manually configure support of the following additional WS engines:

IntelliJ IDEA provides the following development and packaging facilities:

  • Setting up the relevant module structure and downloading all the necessary resources based on the dedicated Web services facet you specify.

  • Generating the necessary deployment descriptors, mapping and manifest files "on-the-fly".

  • Packaging the Web service files, with the EAR file structure following the rules defined by the Enterprise Web Services 1.1 specification.

Developing Web services

To develop a Web service, follow these general steps:

  1. In a Java module, enable support of the relevant Web service.

  2. Populate the module with the necessary classes and methods.

  3. Compile the developed classes and expose them as a Web service.

  4. Configure the artifacts to deploy.

  5. Create a run configuration. On the Deployment tab, create a list of artifacts to be deployed. Specify the application contexts for each of them.

  6. Run the application.

  7. View and manage deployed Web services in the Deployment console of the Run tool window.

Last modified: 01 August 2022