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Simplifiable service retrieving

Reports service getting calls that can be replaced with a calls to an existing static getInstance() or getInstance(Project) methods.

Example (Java):

@Service public class MyAppService { public static MyAppService getInstance() { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(MyAppService.class); } } @Service(Service.Level.PROJECT) public class MyProjectService { public static MyProjectService getInstance(Project project) { return project.getService(MyProjectService.class); } }
// Bad: MyAppService applicationService = ApplicationManager.getApplication().getService(MyAppService.class); MyProjectService projectService = project.getService(MyProjectService.class);
// Good: MyAppService applicationService = MyAppService.getInstance(); MyProjectService projectService = MyProjectService.getInstance(project);

New in 2023.2

Inspection Details

By default bundled with:

IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1, Qodana for JVM 2024.1,

Can be installed with plugin:

Plugin DevKit, 241.16690

Last modified: 29 April 2024