Kotlin Multiplatform Development stable Help

Compose compiler

The Compose compiler is supplemented by a Gradle plugin, which simplifies setup and offers easier access to compiler options. When applied with the Android Gradle plugin (AGP), this Compose compiler plugin will override the coordinates of the Compose compiler supplied automatically by AGP.

To use it in your project, apply the plugin for each module that uses Compose. See the migration instructions below:

Migrating a Compose Multiplatform project

Starting with Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10, you should apply the org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose Gradle plugin to each module that uses the org.jetbrains.compose plugin:

  1. Add the Compose compiler Gradle plugin to the Gradle version catalog:

    [versions] # ... kotlin = "2.0.0" [plugins] # ... jetbrainsCompose = { id = "org.jetbrains.compose", version.ref = "compose-plugin" } kotlinMultiplatform = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform", version.ref = "kotlin" } compose-compiler = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }
  2. Add the Gradle plugin to the root build.gradle.kts file:

    plugins { // ... alias(libs.plugins.jetbrainsCompose) apply false alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) apply false }
  3. Apply the plugin to every module that uses Compose Multiplatform:

    plugins { // ... alias(libs.plugins.jetbrainsCompose) alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) }
  4. If you are using compiler options for the Jetpack Compose compiler, set them in the composeCompiler {} block. See Compose Compiler options DSL for reference.

Possible issue: "Missing resource with path"

When switching from Kotlin 1.9.0 to 2.0.0, or from 2.0.0 to 1.9.0, you may encounter the following error:

org.jetbrains.compose.resources.MissingResourceException: Missing resource with path: ...

To resolve this, delete all of the build directories: at the root of your project and in each of the modules.

Migrating a Jetpack Compose project

When migrating to Kotlin 2.0.0 or newer from 1.9, you should adjust your project configuration depending on the way you deal with the Compose compiler now. We recommend using the Kotlin Gradle plugin and the Compose compiler Gradle plugin to automate configuration management.

Managing the Compose compiler with Gradle plugins

For Android modules that do not rely on Compose Multiplatform:

  1. Add the Compose compiler Gradle plugin to the Gradle version catalog:

    [versions] # ... kotlin = "2.0.0" [plugins] # ... org-jetbrains-kotlin-android = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.android", version.ref = "kotlin" } compose-compiler = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }
  2. Add the Gradle plugin to the root build.gradle.kts file:

    plugins { // ... alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) apply false }
  3. Apply the plugin to every module that uses Jetpack Compose:

    plugins { // ... alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) }
  4. If you are using compiler options for the Jetpack Compose compiler, set them in the composeCompiler {} block. See Compiler options for reference.

  5. If you reference Compose compiler artifacts directly, you can remove these references and let the Gradle plugins take care of things.

Using Compose compiler without Gradle plugins

If you are not using Gradle plugins to manage the Compose compiler, update any direct references to old Maven artifacts in your project:

  • Change androidx.compose.compiler:compiler to org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compose-compiler-plugin-embeddable

  • Change androidx.compose.compiler:compiler-hosted to org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compose-compiler-plugin

Compose compiler options DSL

The Compose compiler Gradle plugin offers a DSL for various compiler options. You can use it to configure the compiler in the composeCompiler {} block of the build.gradle.kts file for the module you're applying the plugin to, for example:

composeCompiler { enableStrongSkippingMode = true }


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: false

If true, generate function key meta classes with annotations indicating the functions and their group keys.


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: false

If true, include source information in generated code.

Records source information that can be used for tooling to determine the source location of the corresponding composable function. This option does not affect the presence of symbols or line information normally added by the Kotlin compiler; it only controls source information added by the Compose compiler.


Type: DirectoryProperty

When a directory is specified, the Compose compiler will use the directory to dump compiler metrics. They can be useful for debugging and optimizing your application's runtime performance: the metrics show which composable functions are skippable, restartable, read-only, and so on.

The reportsDestination option allows dumping descriptive reports as well.

For a deep dive into the compiler metrics, see this Composable metrics blog post.


Type: DirectoryProperty

When a directory is specified, the Compose compiler will use the directory to dump compiler metrics reports. They can be useful for optimizing your application's runtime performance: the reports show which composable functions are skippable, restartable, read-only, and so on.

The metricsDestination option allows dumping raw metrics.

For a deep dive into the compiler metrics, see this Composable metrics blog post.


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: true

If true, enable intrinsic remember performance optimization.

Intrinsic remember is an optimization mode which inlines remember invocations and replaces .equals comparisons for keys with comparisons of the $changed meta parameter when possible. This results in fewer slots being used and fewer comparisons being made at runtime.


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: false

If true, remove groups around non-skipping composable functions.

This optimization improves the runtime performance of your application by skipping unnecessary groups around composables which do not skip (and thus do not require a group). This optimization will remove the groups, for example, around functions explicitly marked as @NonSkippableComposable and functions that are implicitly not skippable (inline functions and functions that return a non-Unit value such as remember).


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: false

If true, enable Strong Skipping mode.

Strong Skipping is an Experimental mode that improves the runtime performance of your application by skipping unnecessary invocations of composable functions whose parameters have not changed. For example, composables with unstable parameters become skippable, and lambdas with unstable captures are memoized.

For details, see the description of Strong Skipping mode in the Kotlin GitHub repo.


Type: RegularFileProperty

Path to the stability configuration file. For details, see Stability configuration file in the Jetpack Compose documentation.


Type: Property<Boolean>

Default: false

If true, include composition trace markers in the generated code.

The Compose compiler can inject additional tracing information into the bytecode, which allows it to show composable functions in the Android Studio system trace profiler.

For details, see this Android Developers blog post.


Type: SetProperty<KotlinPlatformType>

Indicates Kotlin platforms to which the Compose compiler Gradle plugin should be applied. By default, the plugin is applied to all Kotlin platforms.

To enable only one specific Kotlin platform, for example, Kotlin/JVM:

composeCompiler { targetKotlinPlatforms.set(setOf(KotlinPlatformType.jvm)) }

To disable the Gradle plugin for one or more Kotlin platforms, for example, Kotlin/Native and Kotlin/JS:

composeCompiler { targetKotlinPlatforms.set( KotlinPlatformType.values() .filterNot { it == KotlinPlatformType.native || it == KotlinPlatformType.js } .asIterable() ) }

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Last modified: 24 July 2024