MPS 2017.1 Help

Git Fetch Dialog

VCS | Git | Fetch Changes

Use this dialog box to specify parameters for fetching changes from a remote repository.

Git RootFrom this drop-down list, select the path to the local repository for which you want to fetch changes.
RemoteFrom this drop-down list, select the alias of the source remote repository.
Fetch TagsUse this drop-down list to specify which tags you want to fetch, if any. The following options are available:
  • For fetched commits
  • All
  • None
Force References UpdateSelect this check box if you want to overwrite ALL local branch references with the corresponding remote references even if they are not their direct ancestors (Forced update).

When this check box is selected, Forced update is applied to all reference mappings listed in the Reference Mapping area regardless of their Force check box settings.

RemoteThis read-only field shows the alias of the source remote repository. The alias will be used as the default prefix for mappings.
ForceSelect this check box to overwrite local branch references with the corresponding remote references even if they are not their direct ancestors.
RemoteIn this text box, specify the path to the reference in the remote repository.
LocalIn this text box, specify the path to the reference in the local repository.
Add All BranchesClick this button to have MPS display mappings of all the branches in the remote repository.
Add All TagsClick this button to have MPS display mappings of all the tags in the remote repository.
AddClick this button to open the Add Reference(s) dialog box where you can specify new reference mappings.
RemoveClick this button to remove the selected mapping from the list.
DefaultClick this button to restore the default reference mapping.
FetchClick this button to start fetching changes from the selected remote repository according to the specified parameters.

See Also

Last modified: 3 August 2017