MPS 2017.2 Help


This section lists and describes the keyboard shortcuts that include the Ctrl+Shift+Alt keys.

ShortcutFunctionUse this shortcut to...
N/ACopy Relative PathCopy a reference (a relative path) of a symbol to the Clipboard.
N/AGo to SymbolNavigate to a symbol with the specified name.
N/APop up HectorOpen the Highlighting level pop-up window.
N/AShow Uml DiagramOpen UML Class diagram for a class or package.
N/APaste SimplePaste the last entry from the Clipboard as plain text.
N/AShow Reformat File DialogShow reformatting dialog.
N/ARun Inspection by NameExecute an inspection by its name.
N/ANew Scratch FileCreate a new scratch file with the selected language.
Last modified: 26 October 2017

See Also