MPS 2018.2 Help

Finding and Replacing Text in File

MPS lets you find and replace text strings in an active editor.

Search through the current file

  1. From the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Find, or press N/A. The search pane appears at the top of the active editor.
  2. If necessary, specify the search options.
  3. In the search field, start typing the search string:
    mp findText
    cl searchinfile occur

    As you type, the first occurrence of the search string after the current cursor position is selected; the other occurrences are highlighted in the editor. In addition, the matching occurrences are marked in the right gutter with stripes.

  4. To search for a multi-line fragment, click multi line mode in the search box or press N/A.
  5. Explore the search results.

Working with search results

  • To initiate a new search, do one of the following (depending on the current focus):
    • If the editor has the focus, press N/A.
    • If the search field has the focus, press N/A

    In both cases, the existing search string will be selected, and you can start typing a new one.

  • To jump between occurrences, do one of the following:
    • Press N/A(jump to previous selection) or N/A (jump to next selection).
    • Use the icons actions previousOccurence svg or icons actions nextOccurence svg buttons in the Search pane.
    • Click the gutter stripes.
  • The search pane shows the number of found occurrences. If no matches are found, the search pane becomes red.
    mp findResultsNil
  • Use the recent search history: with the search pane already open, click find1 to show the list of recent entries.
  • To cancel the operation and close the pane, press N/A.
  • Use multiple selection (multiselection). For example, if a certain string has been highlighted as a search result, it is possible to add an occurrence of this string to multiple selection by clicking icons actions AddMulticaret (N/A), delete an occurrence from multiple selection using remove selection icon (N/A), or add all found occurrences to multiple selection using select all occurrences icon (N/A).

Search options

find1Click this button to show the history of the recent entries.
icons actions clearClick this button to clear the search field.
icons actions previousOccurence svg icons actions nextOccurence svgClick these buttons to navigate through the occurrences of the search string.
icons actions AddMulticaretClick this button to add the next found occurrence to a multiple selection.
remove selection iconClick this button to remove the found occurrence from a multiple selection.
select all occurrences iconClick this button to create a selection that contains all the found occurrences.
Find allClick this button to show search results in the Find tool window.
Match CaseIf this checkbox is selected, MPS will distinguish between upper and lowercase letters while searching.
Wordsif this checkbox is selected, MPS will search for whole words only, that is, for character strings separated with spaces, tabs, punctuation, or special characters.
This checkbox is disabled, if the Regular expressions checkbox is selected.
Last modified: 13 August 2018