AppCode 2017.2 Help

Running, Debugging, and Testing

In this part:


In AppCode, you can run, debug and test various types of applications without leaving the IDE.

Each class, script, console, server, or test that you wish to run or debug from within AppCode, needs a special profile, or a Run/Debug configuration that specifies the class to run, VM arguments, and other specific options. This also applies to test classes.

When you run or debug an application with AppCode, it performs the following general steps:

  1. Build the application using Xcode tools (you can check the path to Xcode on the Xcode settings page).
  2. Depending on the application type, AppCode either runs the resulted executable or launches it using the specified system utility (emulator or connected device). If you debug an application, AppCode will first run the selected debugger (GDB or LLDB) and then pass the executable to it.

Using the AppCode's debugger, you can find out the origin of the run-time errors and exceptions. The debugger enables you to execute your application step by step, examine program information related to variables, watches, or threads, and change your program without leaving the IDE.

Prior to launching the debugger session, you have to set breakpoints that cause the debugger to suspend application (or take some other actions), when such a breakpoint is reached.

The console information and the output generated during running, debugging or testing sessions are displayed in the Run tool window or the Debug tool window. Test results are shown on the Test Runner tab.

Refer to the sections Running, Debugging and Testing for the detailed descriptions of procedures.

Last modified: 13 December 2017

See Also