AppCode 2017.2 Help

Visual SourceSafe Options Dialog

File | Settings | Version Control | Configure | SourceSafe for Windows and Linux
AppCode | Preferences | Version Control | Configure | SourceSafe for macOS

Path to VSS client (ss.exe)Specify executable file of the Visual SourceSafe client
Path to VSS configuration file Specify configuration file srcsafe.ini.

The configuration file srcsafe.ini can be located either locally (usually, when a local repository is used) or under a shared network folder. In the latter case, you should use the UNC names.

User nameEnter your VSS user name
Enter user namedEnter your VSS password
Working directoriesView the mapping list between VSS project and local working directories
Add Create a new VSS project and assign a working directory for it in the Add Mapping dialog.

In the VSS Project field, specify the directory location within the VSS repository, starting with $/.

In the Working directory field, specify the local working folder.

EditChange name or working directory of an existing VSS project in the Edit Mapping dialog.
RemoveDelete the selected project from the list.
Last modified: 13 December 2017