AppCode 2018.1 Help

Run/Debug Configuration: Docker

Run | Edit Configurations | new | Docker

Docker run configurations enable you to integrate Docker into your development process. Settings depend on the type of the Docker run configuration relevant to your needs. Some settings are common, while others are specific in each case.

For more information, see Running Docker images.

Common settings

The following settings are available for any type of Docker run configuration:




Specify the name of the run configuration.


Select to share the run configuration through version control.

If the checkbox is not selected, the run configuration settings are stored in .idea/workspace.xml.

If the checkbox is selected, the settings are stored in a separate .xml file in .idea/runConfigurations or in the .ipr file.

Single instance only

Select to run only one instance of the run configuration at a time.


Select the Docker server configuration to be used.

To create a new configuration or edit an existing one, click browseButton (N/A).

Docker Image run configuration settings

The following settings are available for the Docker Image run configuration:



Image ID

Specify the ID of the image to run.

Container name

Specify an optional name for the container. If empty, Docker will generate a random name for the container.


Override the default ENTRYPOINT set by the image. Similar to using the --entrypoint option with docker run.


Override the default CMD set by the image. Similar to specifying the optional COMMAND argument after docker run.

Publish exposed ports to the host interfaces

Select All to expose all container ports to the host or select Specify to specify which container ports to bind.

Bind ports

Specify the list of port bindings. Similar to using the -p option with docker run.

Bind mounts

Specify the list of volume bindings. Similar to using the -v option with docker run.

Environment variables

Specify the list of environment variables. Similar to using the -e option with docker run.

Command line options

Specify arbitrary options for the docker run command.

Command preview

Preview the resulting command that will be used to execute the run configuration.

Docker-compose run configuration settings

The following settings are available for the Docker-compose run configuration:



Compose file

Specify the Docker Compose file to use for this run configuration.

Dockerfile run configuration settings

The following settings are available for the Dockerfile run configuration:




Specify the Dockerfile to be used for this run configuration.

Image tag

Specify the name and tag for the built image. Similar to using the -t option with docker build.

Build args

Override the default build-time variables. Similar to using the --build-arg option with docker build.

Run built image

Select to run a container based on the built image.

Container name

Specify an optional name for the container. If empty, Docker will generate a random name for the container.


Override the default ENTRYPOINT set by the image. Similar to using the --entrypoint option with docker run.


Override the default CMD set by the image. Similar to specifying the optional COMMAND argument after docker run.

Publish exposed ports to the host interfaces

Select All to expose all container ports to the host or select Specify to specify which container ports to bind.

Bind ports

Specify the list of port bindings. Similar to using the -p option with docker run.

Bind mounts

Specify the list of volume bindings. Similar to using the -v option with docker run.

Environment variables

Specify the list of environment variables. Similar to using the -e option with docker run.

Command line options

Specify arbitrary options for the docker run command.

Command preview

Preview the resulting command that will be used to execute the run configuration.

Before launch

Specify tasks to perform before starting the run configuration.




new N/AAdd a task to the list, for example:
delete N/A

Remove the selected task from the list.

edit1 N/A

Edit the selected task.

arrowUp arrowDown


Move the selected task one line up or down in the list, changing the order for performing the tasks.

Show this page

Select to show the run configuration settings before starting it.

Activate tool window

Select to open the Docker tool window before starting the run configuration.






Create a run/debug configuration.


Delete the selected run/debug configuration.


Create a copy of the selected run/debug configuration.


View and edit the default settings for the selected run/debug configuration.



Move the selected run/debug configuration up and down in the list.

The order of configurations in the list defines the order in which the configurations appear in the corresponding list on the main toolbar.

folderYou can group run/debug configurations by placing them into folders.

To create a folder, select the configurations to be grouped and click folder. Specify the name of the folder.

Then, to move a configuration into a folder, between the folders or out of a folder, use arrowUp and arrowDown. You can also drag a configuration into a folder.

To remove grouping, select a folder and click delete.

See also, Creating Folders and Grouping Run/Debug Configurations.

Last modified: 19 September 2019