AppCode 2018.1 Help

Xcode-Compatible Project Settings

To view and edit Xcode-compatible project settings, choose File | Project Settings in the main menu or press N/A.

AppCode covers almost all Xcode-compatible project settings. You can safely use AppCode to configure build settings, build phases and more.

AppCode XcodeCompatibleProjectSettings

To search the settings, just start typing what you want to find.

AppCode SmartSearch

However, for some settings (e.g. entitlements, provisioning profiles, etc.) Xcode Project Editor provides more convenient configuration options.

If you want to configure the Xcode-compatible project settings in Xcode, choose File | Open Project in Xcode in the main menu and configure the settings there. AppCode will sync the modifications to the settings automatically as soon as you apply them in Xcode.

Last modified: 19 September 2019