AppCode 2018.2 Help

Run/Debug Configuration: Catch

Use this page to configure run/debug options for Catch test - a C++ testing framework.

Click here for the description of the options that are common for all run/debug configurations.

Configuration pad

Test kind
  • Select the Tags/Test radio button to run the test for a particular tag or all the tags.
  • Select the Pattern radio button to run all the tests for a particular pattern.
Pattern This option is available only when the Pattern radio button is selected.
To run specific tests, specify their names separated by a comma:
The above line in the Patterns field specifies two tests to be run. To run all the tests in a file, specify the file name, prepended by a hash sign and enclosed in square brackets:
For details on the patterns syntax, refer to the original documentation.
Tags In this text box, specify the tags of the test cases or leave it blank to use all the tags.
Last modified: 16 August 2018

See Also