AppCode 2022.2 Help

Built-in IDE macros

AppCode provides a number of built-in macros, which are variables that you can use to specify various paths, options, and other command-line arguments for external tools and run configurations. Their values depend on the current context. For example, if you need to pass the name of the directory that contains the current file, you can use $FileDirName$. Or if you need the full path: $FileDir$.




The complete classpath of the project.


The entry in the classpath related to the current file.


The current contents of the system clipboard.


The path to the content root to which the current file belongs.


The name of the class defined by the current file.


The absolute path to the directory that contains the current file.


The name of the directory that contains the current file.


The path to the directory that contains the current file relative to a parent directory specified as the parameter dir.


The path to the directory that contains the current file relative to the module's content root.


The encoding of the current file.


The extension of the current file.


The fully qualified package name of the current file.

For example, in the case of com.example.mypackage.MyClass, the fully qualified name of the package is com.example.mypackage.


The name of the current file (including all extensions).


The name of the current file without any extensions. This is useful when the file's extension got duplicated. It will remove any periods and everything that follows.

For example, if the file is hello.txt.txt, the $FileNameWithoutAllExtensions$ macro will return hello.


The name of the file without the extension. This removes only one occurrence of a period followed by an extension.

For example, if the file is hello.txt.txt, the $FileNameWithoutExtension$ macro will return hello.txt.


The immediate package name (not fully qualified) of the current file.

For example, in the case of com.example.mypackage.MyClass, the name of the package is mypackage.


The name of the parent directory to the directory where the current file is located.


The absolute path to the current file.


The path to the current file relative to the module's content root.


Shows the file system dialog to select the file.


The path to the directory where the current file is located relative to the module's content root.


The path to the current file relative to the module's content root.


The JavaDoc output directory.


The absolute path to the directory where the current module file is located.


The absolute path to the current module file.


The name of the current module file without the extension.


The current module's source path.


The current module's output path.


The absolute path to the current project directory.


The name of the current project directory.


The current project's source path.


Shows a dialog to pass an arbitrary string.


The absolute path to the project directory on a remote server.


Takes a path as the parameter and converts all separators to forward slashes.

For example, $UnixSeparators(\foo\bar)$ will return /foo/bar.

Paths to resources outside the project

You can use path variables to point to resources outside the project. Add configured path variables the same way as you add macros – with ampersands before and after the variable: $MY_VAR$.

Create a new path variable

  1. Press ⌃ ⌥ S to open the IDE settings and select Appearance & Behavior | Path Variables.

  2. Click the Add button, enter the name and value of the variable, and click OK to apply the changes.

Custom macros

You can define a custom macro for your plugin by using the com.intellij.ide.macro.Macro extension point. After that, register the macro in plugin.xml:

<macro implementation="full.macro.class.Name"/>

For more information about the available extension points, see IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK documentation.

Last modified: 07 August 2022