Debugging the server- and the client-side code
With AppCode, you can debug the server-side code of a Node.js application together with its client-side JavaScript code. To do that, you need to create a separate JavaScript Debug configuration in addition to the Node.js configuration and run these two configurations together. You can do that in two ways:
Create a JavaScript Debug configuration from the Edit Configurations dialog ( ) and then click
to start it, see Debugging an application running on an external web server for details.
Create a JavaScript Debug configuration from the Live Edit tab when creating or editing a Node.js configuration. In this case, the JavaScript Debug configuration will start automatically every time you start the Node.js configuration.
Create a JavaScript Debug configuration from the Node.js configuration
From the main menu, select Edit Configurations from the list on the toolbar.
. Alternatively, selectFrom the list, select the Node.js run configuration to start together with a JavaScript Debug configuration. In the dialog that opens, switch to the Browser / Live Edit tab.
Select After launch to start a browser automatically when you launch a debugging session.
In the field below, type the URL address to open the application at.
Choose the browser to use from the list next to the After launch checkbox.
To use the system default browser, select Default.
To use a custom browser, select it from the list. Note that debugging of JavaScript client-side code is only supported in Google Chrome and in other Chromium-based browsers.
To configure browsers, click
and adjust the settings in the Web Browsers and Preview dialog that opens. For more information, see Web browsers.
Select the With JavaScript debugger checkbox.